He started a fire to fry a Mars bar in the middle of Minced Forest. Even his cap was on fire. I began to toss buckets of water to put the fire out. Encendió un fuego para freir una chocolatina Mars en medio del Bosque Triturado. Hasta su gorra estaba en llamas. Yo me lié a tirar cubos de agua para apagar el fuego.
Michael You see? Artemius didn´t attack your boy. He saved Alpin´s life. Or he would have, if Alpin were mortal. ¿Lo ves? Artemio no atacó a tu hijo. Le salvó la vida. O lo hubiese hecho si Alpin fuese mortal.
Aislene Frying a Mars bar dipped in batter in boiling oil? Oh, my! That has a lot of calories. And it can give you cholesterol, Alpin, there are so many healthy things you can eat in a forest. Cherries, blackberries, raspberries, hazelnuts- ¿Freir una chocolatina Mars rebozada en aceite hirviendo? ¡Vaya! Eso tiene un montón de calorías. Y es malo para el colesterol. Alpin, hay tantas cosas sanas que puedes comer en un bosque. Cerezas, moras, frambuesas, avellanas-
Leafies And leave us without food for the rest of the summer? No way, lady. Your kid isn´t going to eat us out of house and home. ¿Y dejarnos sin comida durante el resto del verano? Ni hablar, señora. Su hijo no va a arruinarnos comíendose todo lo que tenemos.
Lady, he could have burnt Minced Forest down to cinders! ¡Señora, que pudo haber reducido el Bosque Triturado a cenizas!
Aislene Oh. Oh, well...he must have been very hungry. Oh. Vaya...tuvo que estar pasando mucha hambre.
That´s no excuse! ¡Eso no es excusa!
Aislene Yes, it is! Some crimes are pardoned if you were hungry when you comitted them. ¡Sí, lo es! Algunos crímenes se perdonan si estabas hambriento cuando los cometiste,
Mungo Binky That´s only if you steal food when you are starving. Eso se hace sólo si robas comida cuando te estás muriendo de hambre.
He could have eaten the candy bar without frying it! ¡Pudo haberse comido la chocolatina sin freir!
Mungo Binky Look here, Miss Demon Bride- Mire usted, Señorita Novia Diabólica-
Aislene Mrs. Ernest Dullahan, if you please. And I´m sure you know who my husband is! Señora de Ernesto Dullahan, si no le importa. ¡Y estoy segura de que usted sabe quién es mi marido. Mungo Binky There is no need to bother him with this. I think I have the solution to this problem. We´ll have to do a little paperwork first and then we´ll find someone to teach Alpin how to light a fire in a forest properly. No hay necesidad de molestarle con esto. Creo que tengo la solución a este problema. Primero tenemos que hacer un poco de papeleo, pero luego podemos buscar a alguien que enseñe a Alpin a encender un fuego correctamente.
Alpin Like the boyscouts? ¿Como los scouts?
No way! We don´t want anyone lighting fires in this forest! ¡Ni hablar! ¡No queremos que nadie encienda fuegos en este bosque!
Alpin Lots of people do. And there are will-o-the-wisps too. Those are like balls of fire. I´ve seen them in this forest. Un montón de gente lo hace. Y hay fuegos fatuos. Esos son como bolas de fuego. Yo los he visto en este bosque.
I have no problem teaching civilized people how to light a fire properly in a forest. But I don´t want anyone to do it except in an emergency. And I don´t think this kid can judge what a real emergency is. Yo no tengo ningún problema enseñando a la gente civilizada a encender un fuego correctamente. Pero no quiero que nadie lo haga salvo en una emergencia. Y no creo que este niño pueda juzgar cuando hay una emergencia auténtica.
Alpin If you teach me how to light a fire properly, I´ll give you my recipe for frying Mars bars. Si me enseñas a encender un fuego correctamente, te daré mi receta para freir chocolatinas Mars.
What I want you to do is help me clear away the remains of what got burnt through your fault. Lo que quiero que hagas es ayudarme a limpiar los restos de lo que se ha quemado aqui por tu culpa.
Alpin Why would I want to do that? ¿Y por qué iba yo a querer hacer eso?
Glorvina Because if you don´t, I´m going to turn you into a Mars bar and dip you in batter and eat you myself. Porque si no lo haces, te convertiré en una chocolatina Mars y te rebozaré y te freiré y te comeré yo misma.
Aislene Don´t you dare threaten my baby, witch! ¡You don´t know who you are dealing with! ¡No te atrevas a amenazar a mi niño, bruja! ¡No sabes con quién te metes!
Children mustn´t play with matches. Your kid is going to join a group of volunteers that clear away brush every summer to avoid forest fires. That ought to keep him occupied. Los niños no deben jugar con cerillas. Tu niño va a unirse a un grupo de voluntarios que retira la maleza de bosques y campos para evitar incendios.
Mungo Binky These things happen because these kids aren´t locked up in school. Estas cosas suceden porque estos niños no están encerrados en las escuelas.
Michael A school isn´t a concentration camp for kids, Binky. Not even humans keep children locked up in there all year. Una escuela no es un campo de concentración para niños, Binky. Ni los humanos tienen a los niños encerrados allí todo el año.
Mungo Binky I know. But I don´t see why not. Lo sé. Pero no veo por qué no.
Michael Leave the kids be, Binky. Good or bad, every kid is a fairy´s child in the summer. Deja en paz a los niños, Binky. Buenos o malos, todos los niños son hijos de las hadas en el verano. EXERCISES / EJERCICIOS I - Artemius, who is over 18 and a professional forestkeeper, explains how he lights fires properly. He´s not teaching you this so you can go light fires. You mustn´t light fires at all. But if your parents are ligthing a fire the wrong way, you must stop them immediately and tell them how it should be done. If you see someone you don´t know lighting a fire, tell your parents or call 112. Artemio, que tiene más de 18 años y es guardabosques profesional, explica como enciende fuegos correctamente. No te enseña como se hace esto para que vayas por ahí encendiendo fuegos. Pero si tus padres van a encender un fuego mal, debes detenerles inmediatamente y decirles como se debe hacer. Si ves a alguien que no conoces encendiendo un fuego, díselo a tus padres o llama al 112. Now, read what Artemius has to say and translate the rules into Spanish and write them in your notebook. Ahora, lee lo que dice Artemio y traduce las normas al español y apuntalas en tu cuaderno.
How I choose the place: It has to be near water and sheltered from the wind. It has to be at least fifteen metres away from buildings and tents. There must be no plants, trees, logs or stumps there. There must be no overhanging branches. How I prepare the place: I clear a space that is at least two metres wide. I remove all grass, leaves, twigs, and anything that can catch fire. I scrape the area until there is nothing but bare soil or rock. I make sure I have a bucket of water and a shovel at hand. How I control the fire: I keep my fire small. It must never be bigger than 1 metre high and 1 metre wide. If I am going to cook, the smaller the fire is, the easier it will be for me to get near it. I am very careful when I am near the fire not to let my clothes or hair catch fire. I always stay neaby. I never leave the fire unattended. How I put the fire out. I drown the fire with water. I stir the ashes with a stick to see if there is something burning under. I pour water on the fire a second time. I hold my hand above the ashes to see if they are cold. I pour water on the fire a third time. I never leave the place until I am sure the fire is completely out.
II - Glorvina tells you about her diet, but you have to fill in the blanks with the words below to understand what she is saying. Glorvina os habla de su dieta, pero tenéis que rellenar los huecos con las palabras de abajo para entender lo que dice. bad, dairy, different, dipped, few, greasy, happy, often, Scotland, times, tooth, vegetable I´m a vegetarian. This doesn´t mean I only eat __________ pizza. I eat all kinds of vegetables cooked in many __________ ways. And I sometimes have __________ products, like cheese and milk and cream. My mother is from __________. Scots are famous for eating food that is __________ for them. In Scotland you can eat hamburgers and pizzas __________ in batter and fried. It is said that because of this there are __________ old people in Scotland. That makes the government very __________ because it doesn´t have to pay pensions. Not all Scots eat ___________ food though. I have a sweet __________, but I only have a fried Mars bar two __________ a year. Some things aren´t so bad if you don´t eat them ___________. III - Learn about Mr. Graves. Look for the missing information on the Internet. Aprende sobre el Sr. Graves. Busca la información que falta en Internet. 1. Mr. Graves was born here in _______________, a suburb of ________________ famous because of its tennis championships.
2. He wrote many books and poems. The one you have read is from the collection called _______________________________.
3. Two of his books were made into a famous TV series. The names of these books are: __________________________and_____________________________.
4. Mr. Graves moved to Spain and lived here until he died and his house is now a museum you can visit. It is in ______________ in __________________.