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Saturday, 31 March 2012

Nauta's Mini Mythology - Amaryllis / Mini Mitología de Nauta - Amarilis


The young lady in this month’s picture is Amaryllis. She is, as you can see, a shepherdess. They spend, as you may know, a lot of time outdoors. And I think she must have fallen alseep on her side under the sun just before they painted her, which explains why half her face is a little more sunburnt than the other. Either that, or we are running out of felt pens.

La joven de la imagen del mes es Amarilis. Como puedes ver, era pastora. Pasan, como sabes, un montón de tiempo a la intemperie y yo creo que debío quedarse dormida de lado bajo el sol justo antes de que la pintaran, lo cual explica porque una mitad de su cara está más morena que la otra. O eso o es que nos estamos quedando sin rotuladores.

Amaryllis fell in love with Alteo, a very good-looking young man who liked to say he had never seen a girl as lovely as a flower. Therefore, all he was interested in was flowers.

Amarilis se enamoró de un joven muy apuesto que siempre decía que nunca había visto una chica tan bonita como una flor. Por lo tanto, sólo le interesaban las flores.

Amaryllis could not think of a way to attract Alteo’s attention, so she decided to ask for advice. She consulted the oracle of the god Apollo at Delphi and the priestess recommended giving Alteo a flower he had never seen before.

Amarilis no tenía ni noción de cómo atraer la atención de Alteo y decidió pedir consejo al respecto. Consultó al oráculo del dios Apolo en Delfos y la pitonisa recomendó que le diese al joven una flor que jamás hubiese visto antes.

Below is a picture by Collier of the Pythia, Apollo's priestess, who sat on a three-legged stool or tripod, breathing the vapors from a subterranean spring that rose through a crack in the floor of the temple, while answering the questions asked her.

Debajo hay un cuadro de Collier que muestra a la Pitia o pitonisa, sacerdotisa de Apolo, sentada en un trípode respirando los vapores que emanan de un manantial subterraneo por una grieta en el suelo del templo mientras contesta las preguntas que le hacen.  

To get hold of such a flower, legend tells us that Amaryllis had to stand outside Alteo’s house dressed in white and pierce her heart with a golden arrow. And she had to do this for thirty nights before Alteo finally opened his door and saw her standing out there next to an unknown flower.

Para conseguir semejante flor, la leyenda nos cuenta que Amarilis esperó frente a la casa de Alteo durante treinta noches. Iba vestida de blanco y cada noche se clavaba una flecha dorada en el corazón hasta hacerse sangre. La última noche Alteo por fin salió de su casa y vio a Amarilis junto a una flor desconocida.

The reason why he had never seen the new flower before probably was that it is of South American origin and America hadn’t been officially discovered yet.

Alteo probablemente nunca había visto la flor porque es de origen sudamericano y América todavía no había sido descubierta oficialmente.

Since I don’t see how piercing your heart till it bleeds thirty times with an arrow can be good for anyone’s health, I prefer to think the priestess of Apollo had given Amaryllis a bulb of this outlandish plant and she had to wait for about a month before it bloomed and she could show it to the fussy object of her love.

Puesto que no sé cómo clavarte una flecha hasta que sangres treinta veces en el corazón puede ser bueno para la salud, pienso que la sacerdotisa de Apolo dio a Amarilis un bulbo de esta planta extranjera y ella tuvo que esperar un mes hasta que floreció y se la pudo enseñar a su caprichoso amor.

In any case, Alteo was duly impressed and they seem to have lived happily ever after.

En cualquier caso Alteo quedó debidamente impresionado y parece que ambos vivieron felices para siempre.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Thawing Out / Deshielo

¡Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc!

¡Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc!

¡Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc!

Because he is polite, Uncle Ernest has armed himself with patience and opened the door of his home to attend the person knocking with insistence on his door.

Por educación, el Tío Ernesto se ha armado de paciencia y ha abierto la puerta para atender al que está llamando con insistencia a su puerta.

But there is nobody to be seen out there, although the knocking still persists. And persists.

Pero no hay nadie ahí fuera, aunque el aporreamiento persiste. Y persiste.

Death’s Coachman, who is always very considerate with animals, kindly asks the birds of his garden if there is now a woodpecker among them.

El cochero de la muerte, que es siempre muy considerado con los animales, pregunta amablemente a las aves de su jardín si últimamente anda por ahí un pájaro carpintero.

The garden birdies, who are a great source of information, have seen nothing. And yet the knocking persists.

Los pajaritos de casa, que son muy buena fuente de información, no han visto nada. Pero el aporreamiento persiste.

¡Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc!

¡Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc!

¡Toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc, toc!

Convinced that it can only be due to an act of vengeance because of the trouble Alpin caused the past winter, Uncle Ernest reminds the invisible knockers of something that is very true.

Convencido de que sólo se puede tratar de una venganza por el escándalo que montó su hijo Alpin el pasado invierno, el Tío Ernesto recuerda a los aporreadores invisibles algo que es muy cierto.

Uncle Ernest / Tío Ernesto

It’s a question of time, fools! Nobody can hide forever from Death’s Coachman.

¡Es sólo cuestión de tiempo, necios! Nadie se esconde para siempre del cochero de la muerte.

Minafer Ominous

It’s useless to try to communicate with him this way. The man is typtologically illiterate.

Es inútil intentar comunicar con él así. Este señor es un analfabeto tiptológico.

Gemaniah Worrywart

It no longer matters. Spring is reaching even the North Pole.

Ya no importa. La primavera está llegando hasta al Polo Norte.

The global warming had to be good for something.The snow under which Alpin, Arley and Aislene have been buried most of the winter is beginning to melt. Buried due to a shout Alpin gave exactly where he shouldn´t have, of course.

Para algo tenía que servir el calentamiento global. Se está deshelando lentamente la nieve bajo la que llevan enterrados Alpin, Arley y Aislene casi todo el invierno. Enterrados debido a un grito que Alpin dio en el lugar menos indicado, naturalmente.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Reported Orders and Suggestions / Órdenes y sugerencias indirectas


Today I will review the basics of reported orders and reported suggestions.

Hoy voy a repasar lo básico de órdenes indirectas y sugerencias indirectas.


Se puede hacer con “say” pero se suele hacer con verbos como “order” o “tell”. “Order” puede ir solo o no en estilo directo. “Tell” siempre tiene que ir seguido de la persona a la que va dirigida la orden.

Por ejemplo, 
“Park your car,” ordered the policeman.
“Park your car,” the policeman ordered me.
“Park your car,” the policeman told me.
se convierten en:
The policeman ordered me to park my car.
The policeman told me to park my car.

Lo que hemos hecho arriba, si te fijas, es cambiar el verbo en imperativo por el infinitivo. Mira como va “to” delante del infinitivo.

Para las ordenes negativas, sólo hay que añadir not delante de to:
“Don’t park here,” the policeman told me.
The policeman told me not to park there.

Con esta formula se pueden utilizar otros verbos, como advise (aconsejar), ask (pedir), beg (rogar), invite (invitar), shout (gritar), warn (advertir) etc., en vez de order o tell, siempre según el contexto.

Y al pasar una orden del estilo directo al indirecto se pueden omitir algunos detalles. Esto va a suceder con algunos de los ejemplos que vamos a usar para practicar. O se pueden añadir si los conoces.
Ex. "Stop throwing garbage all over the place, you blooming vandal!" Mr. Arthur shouted at Billy.
Mr. Arthur shouted at Billy to stop throwing garbage all over the place. (No hace falta incluir el insulto.) 
Ex. "Don't open that door," warned Bluebeard.
Bluebeard warned his wives not to open that door. (Sólo pones "his wives" si te sabes el cuento de Barba Azul).

Bluebeard / Barba Azul
You'd better read my story if you don't know it, you ignoramus!
¡Más vale que leas mi cuento si no te lo sabes, ser ignorante!


1. “Don't annoy your little sister," said my mother.

2. “Please sit down,” Mrs. Lewis told us.

3. “Remember to buy Chinese food for dinner,” Mary told her husband.

4. “Stop talking!” the teacher ordered her pupils.

5. “Go to bed this minute!” Mr. Benedict ordered his children.

6. “Please be so kind as to turn the music down, rioting neighbours!” our polite neighbour asked us.

7. “Come to our party tomorrow,” invited Jane.

8. “Don’t listen to gossip,” advised Mrs. Patton.

9. “Why don’t you shut up?” Paul asked Bill.

10. “Please, please, please let me go out with my friends,” Sandra begged her mother.

11. "Never eat unidentified mushrooms," said our science teacher.

12. "Pull out the weeds, not the roses, you nitwit!" shouted the gardener to his assistant.


Se utilizan verbos como “suggest” o “recommend.”

Se puede hacer de tres formas:
“Let’s dance!” suggested Peter.
Peter suggested dancing. (con gerundio)
Peter suggeted (that) we dance. ((that) + sujeto + verbo en la forma base)
Peter suggested (that) we should dance. (añadiendo should a la anterior)

Si sugieres con let’s, te incluyes en la sugerencia. Hay sugerencias que van dirigidas a otros y no te incluyen a ti.
“Why don’t you guys buy a new car?” suggested Rita.
Rita suggested (that)we (guys) buy a new car.


1. “Let’s go to the cinema,” suggested Lisa.

2. “Invite Alice,” suggested Mary.

3. “Take the children to Disneyland,” recommended Sam.

4. “How about hiring mariachis for the party?” suggested Adelita.

5. “Let’s have a BLT sandwich for dinner,” suggested Kyle.

6. “Why don’t we paint the house green?” suggested Violet.

7. “Why don't you go fly a kite?” suggested Tom.

8. “I suggest you take the next flight to Bombay,” said Krishna.

9. “You could organize a book sale for that NGO,” suggested Frank.

10. “If I were you, I would invest that money,” recommended Lou.

11. "I think we should bottle this wine," suggested Peter.

12. "Alfred should see my doctor," recommended Tom.



1. “Don't annoy your little sister," said my mother.

2. “Please sit down,” Mrs. Lewis told us.

3. “Remember to buy Chinese food for dinner,” Mary told her husband.

4. “Stop talking!” the teacher ordered her pupils.

5. “Go to bed this minute!” Mr. Benedict ordered his children.

6. “Please be so kind as to turn the music down, rioting neighbours!” our polite neighbour asked us.
(lo de rioting neighbours significa vecinos alborotadores, lo please be so kind, por favor ser tan amables...) 

7. “Come to our party tomorrow,” invited Jane.

8. “Don’t listen to gossip,” advised Mrs. Patton.

9. “Why don’t you shut up?” Paul asked Bill.

10. “Please, please, please let me go out with my friends,” Sandra begged her mother.
SANDRA BEGGED HER MOTHER TO (please, please, please) let her go out with her friends.

11. "Never eat unidentified mushrooms," said our science teacher.

12. "Pull out the weeds, not the roses, you nitwit!" shouted the gardener to his assistant.


1. “Let’s go to the cinema,” suggested Lisa.
Lisa suggested we go to the cinema. 

2. “Invite Alice,” suggested Mary.
Mry suggested inviting Alice.

3. “Take the children to Disneyland,” recommended Sam.
Sam recommended taking the children to Disneyland..

4. “How about hiring mariachis for the party?” suggested Adelita.
Adelita suggested hiring mariachis for the party..

5. “Let’s have a BLT sandwich for dinner,” suggested Kyle.
Kyle suggested we have a BLT sandwich for dinner.
(BLT = Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato)

6. “Why don’t we paint the house green?” suggested Violet.
Violet suggested we paint the house green.

7. “Why don't you go fly a kite?” suggested Tom.
Tom suggested we go  fly a kite. (Esto a veces es como mandar a alguien a freír espárragos, pero no siempre, porque a veces lo de la cometa va en serio.)

8. “I suggest you take the next flight to Bombay,” said Krishna.
Krishna suggested we take the next flight to Bombay.

9. “You could organize a book sale for that NGO,” suggested Frank.     
Frank suggested we organize a book sale for that NGO.
(that se puede cambiar por this, pero aquí no es necesario)

10. “If I were you, I would invest that money,” recommended Lou.
Lou recommended investing the money. 
Lou recommended I invest the money.
Lou recommended we invest the money.

11. "I think we should bottle this wine," suggested Peter.
Peter suggested bottling this / that wine.
Peter suggested we bottle the wine.

12. "Alfred should see my doctor," recommended Tom.
Tom recommended Alfred to see his doctor.

Monday, 19 March 2012

The Josie / La Pepa

Josie is 200 today.
/ La Pepa cumple 200 hoy.

Serene, serene and joyful,
Valiant, valiant and daring,
Let us sing, let us sing, soldiers,
Our hymn, our battle hymn!
Soldier, soldier our country
Calls us, calls us to battle!
Let us swear by our country to conquer!
To conquer, to conquer or die!

If you know what the song above is, tell us in a comment and win a mini prize. Send us the original lyrics and win a less mini mini prize!

Si reconoces la canción de arriba, dínoslo en un comentario y gana un mini premio. Mándanos la letra original y gana un mini premio menos mini.

We found the image above on Images from the Internet. The lyrics in English are by us.

Encontramos la imagen de arriba en Imágenes de Internet. La letra de la canción en inglés es nuestra. 

Saturday, 17 March 2012

St. Paddy's 2012 / San Patricio 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
/ ¡Feliz Día de San Patricio! Don't ask us where we are, but...
No nos preguntes dónde estamos, pero.
learn this song and get extra credit for listening and speaking.
aprende esta canción y mejora tu nota de los bloques de escuchar y hablar.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Knock, knock / Toc, toc

Uncle Ernest, Death's Coachman
El tío Ernesto, cochero de la Muerte

But where did my wife say she was going? She's been gone for a couple of months at least. And it's not that I don't miss her. We get along very well indeed, but not having to hear my little boy's maddening voice is such an unbounded joy that I haven't asked myself this question sooner. And now someone is knocking on our door. And it is my policy never to answer knocking or the doorbell personally because I'm rather short-tempered with complainers and prompt to send anyone standing on my doorstep directly to hell. That's not being nice to the neighbors, who have enough to put up with without having a brush with me. My wife is such an enchanting lady. It is her they deserve to deal with. They all leave charmed.  WHO THE DEVIL IS KNOCKING ON MY DOOR?!!!!!!

¿Pero a dónde dijo mi mujer que se iba? Lleva por lo menos un par de meses fuera de casa. Y no es que no la eche de menos. Nos llevamos estupendamente, sí, señor. Pero no tener que oir la enloquecedora voz de mi niño es una gozada tal que no me he hecho esta pregunta a tiempo. Ahora hay alguien aporreando nuestra puerta. Y tengo por costumbre jamás contestar personalmente a los que llaman a mi puerta, porque tengo poca paciencia con los quejicas y soy muy dado a enviar a los que están en el umbral de mi puerta directamente al infierno. Eso no es ser amable con los vecinos, que tienen mucho que aguantar incluso sin tener un encontronazo conmigo. Mi mujercita es tan encantadora. Es con ella con la que deben tratar. Todos se van encantados.¡¡¡¡¡¡¿QUIÉN DEMONIOS ESTÁ APORREANDO MI PUERTA?!!!!!!

(Both the knocking and the chronicle to be continued.
Continuará el aporreamiento de la puerta y la crónica.)

Sunday, 11 March 2012

The Peasant's Revolt / La rebelión de los campesinos ingleses


A severe change of climate that provokes grave damages on the production of crops, which fall short of the quantity needed to feed a population that has boomed the century before.

Un serio cambio climático afecta a la producción de alimentos y no se consigue la cantidad necesaria para alimentar a la población que había aumentado notablemente en el siglo anterior.

Serious outbreaks of animal diseases such as murrain, which kills about half the flocks of sheep in existence and rinderpest, which reduces the number of draft animals, indispensable to till the soil.

Graves brotes de enfermedades propias de animales tales como la morriña, que mató aproximadamente a la mitad de las manadas de ovejas y la peste bovina que redujo el número de bestias de tiro, indispensables para arar la tierra.

Subsequent inflation of prices and land rents.

Subsiguiente inflación de precios y del alquiler de tierras.

A widening of the gap between the rich and the poor because the first prosper by taking over the land some of the last leave behind when they starve to death.

Ensanchamiento en la división entre ricos y pobres porque los primeros prosperan al quedarse con la tierra que algunos de los segundos dejan libre al morirse de hambre.

An increase in taxes which only serve to support the Royal Household and pay for wars.

Más impuestos, que solo sirven para mantener la casa real y costear guerras.

Plus the Black Death, a grim catastrophe that affects humans beyond any ever known before, wiping out a very significant part of the population.

Y la Peste Negra, una sombría catástrofe que afecta a los humanos más que cualquier otra anterior, acabando con una parte muy significativa de la población.

All these factors, some of which sound rather frighteningly familiar to us, made the 14th century possibly the worst century ever in the history of England.

Todos estos factores, algunos de los cuales nos suenan inquietantemente familiares, hicieron del siglo XIV posiblemente el peor de la historia de Inglaterra.

But because so many people had died, the laborers who survived were able to ask for better wages.

Pero al morir tanta gente, los obreros supervivientes podían pedir mejoras salariales.

Instead of looking forward, the government tried to force the laborers to work just as they always had done, which was according to the terms of an old Statute of Labourers. This document stipulated that they had to be paid not daily, as they wished to be, but once a year.

En lugar de mirar hacia adelante, el gobierno intentó forzar a los obreros a trabajar como siempre lo habían hecho, según lo estipulado en un antiguo Estatuto de Obreros. Este documento estipulaba que los obreros no podían cobrar por su trabajo a diario, sino que tenían que trabajar durante un año para poder cobrar al final de éste.

Being paid once a year meant having to work in the same place for at least a year and this, of course, restricted the workers’ liberty of movement.

Si te pagan una vez al año, eso quiere decir que tienes que trabajar en el mismo sitio por lo menos durante ese periodo, lo cual limita tu libertad de movimiento.

The government also passed sumptuary laws that were meant to avoid social mobility and keep everyone in his or her place. For example, so that they would not feel they were equal to superiors, yeomen and peasantry were obliged to wear inexpensive lower class clothes and forbidden to eat meat or fish more than once a day.

El gobierno también pasó leyes suntuarias para evitar la movilidad social y mantener a todos y cada uno en su lugar. Por ejemplo, para que no se sintiese iguales a sus superiores, los granjeros y campesinos tenían que vestir ropas baratas propias de clases humildes y tenían prohibido comer carne o pescado más de una vez al día.

The government also tried to control all the land and even the bodies of water in England, depriving the poor of free access to game, fish and fuel.

El gobierno también intentó controlar toda la tierra e incluso el agua de Inglaterra, privando a los pobres de acceso a la caza, la pesca y combustible.

In 1377 teenaged Richard II succeeded his father Edward III and found he had inherited an unfinished and costly war with France. His advisors levied three Poll Taxes to raise money for this war. A poll tax means each person has to pay a fixed amount of money – the same for everyone – simply for existing. The third of these hated taxes demanded three times as much money from taxpayers as the first two – already very unpopular - had and was the spark that ignited the Great Uprising.

En 1377 el adolescente Ricardo II sucedió a su padre Eduardo III y se encontró con que había heredado una guerra costosa e inconclusa. Sus consejeros recurrieron a tres impuestos de capitación para reunir el dinero necesario para financiar la guerra. Impuesto de capitación quiere decir que cada persona tiene que pagar una cantidad de dinero fija sólo por existir, un tanto por cabeza. El tercero de estos impuestos exigía tres veces más dinero que los otros dos, que ya eran impopulares, y fue la chispa que hizo estallar el Gran Alzamiento de los campesinos ingleses.

The revolt is said to have begun when a landowner named Thomas Baker from a town named Fobbing refused to pay a tax-collector. A Chief of Justice was sent to investigate and punish this offence. He was attacked at Brentwood, for the people of East Essex and Kent were by then in full revolt and already marching to London to visit the king.

Se dice que la revuelta empezó cuando un terrateniente llamado Tomás Baker de un pueblo llamado Fobbing se negó a pagar a un recaudador de impuestos. Un juez fue enviado para investigar y castigar esta ofensa . Le atacaron al llegar a Brentwood, pues la gente del este de Essex ya se encontraba inmersa en una rebelión e iban marchando hacia Londres para visitar al rey.

In June of 1381, making good use of festivities that permitted commoners to congregate and bear arms, laborers as well as members of village elites marched together led by men like Watt Tyler, a tiler of houses who became the most famous of the rebel leaders, and John Ball, a clergyman who was to become the spokesman of the revolt.

En Junio de 1381, haciendo buen uso de festividades durante las cuales estaba permitido que se reuniese la plebe y además llevase armas, los obreros marcharon junto con miembros de las élites del campo bajo el liderazgo de hombres como Wat Tyler, un tejador que se convirtió en el más célebre de los líderes de la revuelta y John Ball, un clérigo que se convertiría en el portavoz de la revuelta.

John Ball was one of the first representatives of a tendency that would in time prosper in England. It held that the fundamental principles of Christianity were more important than doctrine produced later by the Roman Catholic Church. It required that the Bible be translated to English so that it would be accessible to anyone who could read. It wished to do away with priests so there would be no intermediaries between ordinary people and their Maker. Also, it disapproved of luxury and wealth.

Juan Ball era uno de los primeros representantes de una tendencia que con el tiempo prosperaría en Inglaterra. Esta sostenía que los principios fundamentales del cristianismo eran más importantes que cualquier doctrina que hubiese producido la Iglesia de Roma. Esta tendencia requería que la Biblia fuese traducida al inglés para que tuviese acceso a ella cualquiera que supiese leer. Deseaba acabar con los curas para que no hubiese intermediarios entre la gente corriente y su Creador. Además, condenaba el lujo y la riqueza.

John Ball’s most quoted saying is “When Adam delved and Eve spun, who was then the gentleman?”

La cita más famosa de Juan Ball es “Cuando Adán cavaba y Eva tejía, ¿quién era entonces el caballero? "

The rebels wanted to change society but they did not want to do away with their king. They were not against Richard. So they wanted to go see him to tell him what he could do for them.

Los rebeldes querían cambiar el sistema, pero no querían deshacerse de su rey. No estaban en contra de Ricardo. Así que pensaban visitarle para decirle lo que podía hacer por ellos.

Upon hearing that the peasants were marching to London, Richard sailed on a barge to Greenwich to intercept them before they reached the city. From his barge he asked them what they wanted and they gave him a list of persons they wanted executed as traitors.

Al enterarse de que los campesinos marchaban hacia Londres, Ricardo se fue navegando en una barcaza hasta Greenwich para interceptarles antes de que llegasen a la ciudad. Desde su barca les pregunto qué querían y ellos le dieron una lista de personas a las que querían ver muertas.

They wanted the heads of people they held to be accountable for the Poll Taxes. At the top of the list of those people they considered traitors, was the Archbishop of Canterbury, Simon of Sudbury, who was also the Chancellor of England. Sir Robert Hales, the Treasurer, was second on the list. Both were artifices of the Poll Taxes. And also in the bad books of the rebels was the king’s uncle, John of Gaunt, infamous for the facility with which he harassed his social inferiors and who also was an artifice of the Poll Taxes.

Querían las cabezas de la gente que era responsable de los impuestos de capitación. El primero en la lista era el Arzobispo de Canterbury, Simón de Sudbury, que era también el canciller del reino. Sir Robert Hales, el tesorero, era el segundo de la lista. Ambos eran artífices de los odiados impuestos. Y también en la lista negra de los rebeldes probablemente estaba Juan de Gante, el tío del rey, que era infame por la facilidad con la que fastidiaba a los que estaban por debajo de él en la escala social y que también había sido uno de los artífices de los impuestos de capitación.

Richard was only about fourteen years old but he was ably ambiguous in his dealings with the rebels on the three occasions he would meet with them. When they asked him to hand over the men on the list, he didn’t say yes, he didn’t say no. He said he needed time to see what he could do about the list and floated off on his barge.

Ricardo tenía unos catorce años pero fue hábilmente ambiguo en sus tratos con los rebeldes en las tres ocasiones en las que dialogó con ellos. Cuando le pidieron que les entregase a los hombres de la lista, no dijo ni sí ni no. Dijo que necesitaba tiempo para ver lo que podía hacer sobre esto y se fue flotando en su barcaza.

The King returned to the Tower of London where he was lodged for security reasons. The rebels continued advancing. As they moved, they killed without the least hesitation the persons they found on their way that they considered traitors or who would not join their cause and destroyed their property, sometimes literally grinding it to powder.

El rey volvió a la Torre de Londres, donde se alojaba por motivos de seguridad. Los rebeldes continuaron avanzando. Conforme avanzaban, iban matando sin pestañear a las personas que consideraban traidoras a su causa que se encontraban por el camino y a las que no se unían a su causa. También destruían las propiedades de dichas personas, a veces literalmente reduciéndolas a polvo.

They also attacked immigrants because they believed them to be a threat to the prosperity of native-born inhabitants. The Flemish weavers are a good example of foreigners attacked by the rebel armies because they enjoyed special privileges.

Atacaron también a emigrantes porque pensaban que esta gente era una amenaza para la prosperidad de los habitantes nativos. Los tejedores flamencos son un buen ejemplo de extranjeros maltratados por los ejércitos de rebeldes porque disfrutaban de privilegios especiales.

The rebels demolished or wrecked several buildings, the most notable of which was probably the Savoy, a beautiful residence which belonged to the unpopular John of Gaunt, who was not at home at the time. It was loaded with works of art and other valuables that were completely destroyed. There was a little looting, but not much, because looters were also considered traitors to the cause.

Los rebeldes tiraron abajo o destrozaron varios edificios, el más notable de los cuales era probablemente el Savoy, hermosa residencia del impopular Juan de Gante que no estaba en casa en ese momento. Estaba llena de obras de arte y otros enseres valiosos que fueron completamente destrozados. Hubo algo de saqueo, pero no mucho, porque los rebeldes también consideraban traidores a los saqueadores y los trataban como tales.

Once again Richard met with the rebels. This time, aside from the heads of the traitors, the rebels asked for the higher clergy to be abolished, for all lands to rent the same and for an end to villeinage, that is, perpetual freedom from serfdom.

Una vez más, Ricardo se reunió con los rebeldes. Esta vez, además de las cabezas de los traidores, los rebeldes le pidieron la abolición del alto clero, que todas las tierras se alquilasen por el mismo precio y que manumitiese a todos los siervos, concediéndoles la libertad perpetua.

The king signed charters promising the end of serfdom and some of the rebels returned home satisfied. But others broke into the Tower of London after the signing of the charters and captured Archbishop of Canterbury Simon of Sudbury, who was also Chancellor, and Treasurer Robert Hales, whom they beheaded along with several others.

El rey firmó cartas prometiendo el fin de la servidumbre y algunos de los rebeldes se fueron satisfechos y volvieron a sus hogares. Pero otros irrumpieron en la Torre de Londres tras la firma de las cartas y capturaron al Arzobispo de Canterbury, Simón de Sudbury, que también era el Canciller, y al Tesorero Roberto Hales. A estos y a varios otros les cortaron la cabeza.

Despite this, Richard again met with the remaining rebels, most of which were from Kent. This time they asked for local self-government and regional autonomy. It is believed they were thinking of forming a federation of county-kingdoms and that Watt Tyler was to be king of Kent. They also asked for the abolition of lordship and the division of property between all men, including the Church’s wealth.

A pesar de esto, Ricardo volvió a encontrarse con los rebeldes que seguían en Londres, que eran casí todos de Kent. Esta vez pidieron autogobierno y autonomía regional. Parece ser que estaban pensando en formar una federación de reinos del tamaño de los condados y que Wat Tyler iba a ser el rey de Kent. También pidieron que desapareciesen los señores feudales y que se dividiese la propiedad entre todos, incluyendo los bienes de la Iglesia.

During this meeting, Watt Tyler was killed. There are different versions of how this happened. The best known states that Watt Tyler’s behavior when he met with the king was rude and even threatening. He is said to have washed his mouth with water in a gross and disgusting way and asked for a jug of ale which he drank all in one gulp. He also kept toying with a dagger, waving it about, and the king’s men began to take a really dim view of what he might be thinking of doing.

Durante la reunión, Watt Tyler fue asesinado. Hay distintas versiones de cómo ocurrió esto. Recogemos aquí la más conocida. Parece ser que Watt Tyler se comportó de forma grosera e incluso amenazadora cuando se reunió con el rey. Dicen que se enjuagó la boca de forma zafia y repugnante y que pidió una jarra de cerveza que se bebió de un solo trago. También estuvo todo el rato jugueteando con una daga que blandía en el aire sin parar. La guardia del rey empezó a verle con muy malos ojos y a sospechar de sus intenciones.

One of the king’s men suddenly shouted at Tyler that he knew who Tyler was, and that he was the greatest thief and robber in Kent. Tyler demanded that this man be killed. The Mayor of London intervened to reason with Tyler, but Tyler is said to have rushed forward with his dagger towards the Mayor and the King. The King’s guards rushed to defend their sovereign and the Mayor stabbed Tyler. A royal esquire then stabbed Tyler several more times.

Uno de los acompañantes del rey de pronto le grito a Watt que le conocía y que era el mayor ladrón y mangante de Kent. Tyler exigió que matasen a este hombre. El alcalde de Londres se acercó a Tyler, aparentemente para razonar con él, pero parece ser que Tyler se lanzó hacía el alcalde y el rey. La guardia salió a la defensa del rey y el alcalde apuñaló a Tyler, que fue apuñalado varias veces más por un escudero.

Tyler managed to get on his horse and ride to where his supporters awaited him. They took their mortally wounded leader to a hospital where the king’s men arrested him and took him away to be beheaded. He was probably already dead when they executed him.

 Tyler consiguió subirse a su caballo y llegó hasta donde le esperaba su gente que le llevó corriendo al hospital donde fue arrestado por la guardia del rey que se lo llevó a que le cortasen la cabeza. Probablemente ya estaba muerto cuando le decapitaron.

After Tyler’s death the rebellion continued, but it was eventually suffocated and great repression ensued. Richard II made a bitter speech about the futility of revolutions. But although the rebels did not win and the charts that had been signed were not taken into account, the psychological impact of their efforts was undeniable.

La rebelión continuó tras la muerte de Watt Tyler, pero eventualmente fue sofocada y los campesinos sufrieron una gran represión. Ricardo II hizo un amargo discurso sobre la futilidad de las revoluciones. Pero aunque los rebeldes no ganaron, y las cartas firmadas no se tuvieron en cuenta, el impacto psicológico de sus esfuerzos era innegable.

People of common sense wished for nothing of the kind to ever take place again, and change began to happen. Serfdom began to disappear, and those who were once serfs began to rent land freely, wages rose steadily, living conditions improved and yeomen began to make their way into the gentry. All this proved something very important: an established social order can be changed by common people.

La gente con sentido común no quería que se repitiese algo semejante y las cosas empezaron a cambiar. La servidumbre feudal comenzó a desaparecer, y los que otrora fueron siervos empezaron a poder alquilar terrenos libremente. Los sueldos subieron, las condiciones de vida mejoraron y los granjeros independientes comenzaron a infiltrarse en las clases superiores. Todo esto demostró algo muy importante: un orden social establecido puede ser alterado por gente corriente.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Pioneers / Pioneros

Here is a very funny song about the Far West. It's about pioneers, cherokees and wheels. And never saying die.

Ésta es una canción muy graciosa sobre el lejano oeste. Va de pioneros, chéroquis y ruedas. Y sobre nunca rendirse.


GEORGE: Three wheels on my wagon, / JORGE: Mi carreta tiene tres ruedas
And I’m still rolling along / Y yo sigo rodando hacia adelante.
The Cherokees are chasing me / Los chéroquis me persiguen,
Arrows fly, right on by / Flechas pasan rozándome,
But I’m singing a happy song / Pero yo voy cantando una canción alegre.
I’m singing a higgity, haggity, hoggety, high / Voy cantando a jigueti, jaguiti, jogueti , jai
Pioneers, they never say die / Porque los pioneros jamás se rinden.
A mile up the road there’s a hidden cave / A una milla de aquí hay una cueva oculta
And we can watch those Cherokees / Y desde allí podremos ver a los chéroquis
Go galloping by / Pasar galopando de largo.
WOMAN: “George, they’re catching up to us!” / MUJER: “Jorge, nos están alcanzando.”
GEORGE: “Get back in the wagon, woman!” / JORGE: “¡Qué te metas en la carreta, mujer!
Two wheels on my wagon, / Dos ruedas en mi carreta
And I’m still rolling along / Y yo sigo rodando hacia adelante
Them Cherokees are after me / Esos chéroquis van tras de mi.
Flaming spears, burn my ears / Lanzas llameantes queman mis orejas
But I’m singing a happy song / Pero voy cantando una canción alegre.
I’m singing a higgity, haggity hoggety, high / Voy cantndo a jigueti, jaguiti, jogueti , jai
Pioneers, they never say die / Los pioneros jamás se rinden.
Half a mile up the road there’s a hidden cave / A media milla de aquí hay una cueva oculta.
And we can watch those Cherokees / Y podremos ver a esos chéroquis
Go galloping by / Pasar galopando de largo.
SON: “Duh, Paw? Are you sure this is the right road? / HIJO: ¿Ehh, Papa? ¿Estás seguro de que ésta es la carretera indicada?
GEORGE: “Will you hush up? You and your maps!” / JORGE: ¿Quieres  callarte? ¡Tú y tus mapas!One wheel on my wagon, / Una rueda en mi carreta
And I’m still rolling along / Y sigo rodando hacia adelante
Them Cherokees after me / Los chéroquis me acechan
I’m all in flames! Cut the reins! / Estoy envuelto en llamas. ¡Cortad las riendas!
But I’m singing a happy song / Pero sigo cantando una canción alegre.
I’m singing a higgity, haggity hoggety, high / Estoy cantando a jigueti, jaguiti, jogueti , jai
Pioneers, they never say die / ¡Los pioneros jamás se rinden!
Right around that turn there’s a hidden cave / Al revolver de esa esquina hay una cueva oculta
And we can watch those Cherokees / Desde ahí podremos ver a los chéroquis
Go galloping by / Pasar galopando de largo.
WOMAN: “George? Should I get the bag of beads and trinkets? / MUJER: “¿Jorge? ¿Debo sacar la bolsa de cuentas y bisutería?”
GEORGE: “Woman, I know what I’m doing!” / JORGE: “¡Mujer, sé lo que estoy haciendo!”
No wheels on my wagon, / No hay ruedas en mi carreta
So I’m not rolling along / Así que no voy rodando hacía adelante.
The Cherokees captured me / Los chéroquis me han capturado.
They look mad, things look bad /Parecen furiosos, las cosas pintan mal,
But I’m singing a happy song / Pero sigo cantando una canción alegre.
C’mon all you Cherokees sing along with me! / ¡Eh, vosotros los chéroquis, cantad todos conmigo!
CHEROKEES AND PIONEERS: Ugh Higgity, haggity hoggety, high! / CHÉROQUIS Y PIONEROS: ¡Ug, jigueti, jaguiti, jogueti , jai!
Pioneers, they never say die… / Los pioneros jamás se rinden...

This song is by Bacharach and Hilliard. Maybe you can hear it here:

Esta canción es de Bacharach y Hilliard.Quizás puedas escucharla aquí:

We found the image of the covered wagon above on Images from the Internet. It is of a painting by Robert Wesley Amick.

Encontramos la imagen de la carreta entoldada en Imágenes de Internet. Es de una pintura de Robert Wesley Amick.

For Reviewing Relatives / Para Repasar Relativos


If I don't review, I forget. Today, relative clauses. My way of reviewing grammar is a little peculiar, but it works for me. Would you like to try it? 

Si no repaso, me olvido. Hoy, cláusulas de relativo. Mi forma de repasar es un poco sui generis, pero yo me aclaro. ¿Quieres probar tú?

Una oración con una cláusula de relativo tiene dos partes y un nexo.
El nexo une dos oraciones distintas – la principal y la cláusula de relativo – convirtiendo las dos oraciones en una con dos partes. Al nexo se le llama relativo.
That is the house. I lived there when I was little. (dos oraciones sueltas)
Esa es la casa. Yo vivía ahí cuando era pequeña.
That is the house where I lived when I was little. (el relativo las une)
Esa es la casa en la que yo vivía cuando era pequeña.
La segunda oración del ejemplo se ha convertido en una cláusula de relativo. El nexo es el relativo where.

Hay dos clases de cláusulas de relativo, las defining y las non-defining.
Las defining relative clauses son especificativas. Aportan información esencial para saber de qué estamos hablando. Yo las llamo las cláusulas de “decir de lo que va.”
That is the dress. I bought it yesterday.
Ese es el vestido. Yo lo compré ayer.
That is the dress which I bought yesterday.
Ese es el vestido que yo compré ayer.
Si no especificamos de qué vestido se trata, no sabemos de qué va lo que estamos diciendo.
Las non-defining relative clauses son explicativas. Añaden información que puede ser interesante pero no es esencial para saber de qué va lo que estamos diciendo.
Peter is the mayor of this city. He is my neighbor.
Pedro es el alcalde de esta ciudad. Él es mi vecino.
Peter, who is my neighbor, is the mayor of this city.
Pedro, que es mi vecino, es el alcalde de esta ciudad.
Fíjate como este tipo de oración de relativo va entre comas. Eso indica que se puede prescindir de ella sin que pase nada grave. Yo las llamo cláusulas de “dicho sea de paso.”
A veces las non-defining no van “entre” comas porque están al final de la oración. En estos casos sólo hay una coma delante del principio de la non-defining clause.
I ate your pizza, which was delicious.
Me comí tu pizza, que estaba deliciosa.

PRACTICE: Pon las comas en las oraciones que tienen non-defining clauses. No toques las que no.

1. Margaret who is my sister is a professional ballet dancer.
2. That car which is an antique Rolls Royce is worth a million dollars.
3. I am with the man who won the tennis match.
4. Wednesday is the day when I go to karate classes.
5. Pierre who is French is married to a Japanese girl.

En las defining relative clauses se usan los siguientes relativos para:
personas – who / that (en ciertos casos también whom, lo veremos luego)
cosas – which / that
tiempo – when / that
lugar – where (jamás that)
posesión – whose (jamás that)
En las non-defining relative clauses, lo mismo que arriba salvo que no se utiliza that casi nunca, así que para aprobar mejor no lo utilices jamás.

PRACTICE: Fill in the blanks with a relative.

1. My sister, _________ lives in New York, has three children.
2. Are you the boy __________ father is a fireman?
3. Those are the books ___________ Fenella wrote.
4. Where is the hospital __________ they operated Samuel?
5. John was with Patricia ___________ she fell from the tree.
6. There were ten pairs of boots in the shop, ___________ were all brown.
7. Tell the man ____ car is parked outside that he´s blocking our driveway.
8. I took those photos, _________ are of our trip to India.


Whom: Se utiliza para personas cuando éstas son objeto en una oración, y no sujeto. Pero como no hay manera de que algunas personas vean la diferencia entre un sujeto y un objeto, los que explican los relativos han tirado la toalla y sólo cuentan lo imprescindible sobre whom. Y lo imprescindible es que whom se usa detrás de preposiciones:
The girl to whom I gave the money was Ana´s sister.
La chica a la que di el dinero era la hermana de Ana.
Pero esto se puede decir colocando la preposición al final de la cláusula de relativo. Y entonces no es obligatorio utilizar whom.
Así que hay cinco formas de decir este tipo de cosas:
That is the man from whom I bought the car. (preposición delante de whom)
That is the man whom I bought the car from. (con whom y la preposición al final)
That is the man who I bought the car from. (con who y la preposición al final)
That is the man that I bought the car from. (con that y la preposición al final)
That is the man I bought the car from. (sin nada y con la preposición al final)
Todas esas cinco son lo mismo: Éste es el hombre al que compré el coche.
Sólo la que lleva la preposición delante del relativo tiene que ir con whom forzosamente. La que lleva la preposición al final de la cláusula de relativo puede llevar whom, who, that o nada.

PRACTICE: Reescribe estas oraciones utilizando whom de dos maneras. Lo primero que tienes que hacer es identificar la preposición. Las preposiciones más corrientes que van con whom son to, for, from y with.

1. The people we spoke to were very friendly.

2. Rita, who I always walk to school with, is very funny.

3. The girl that Paul danced with had red hair.

4. This is the lady who they stole the bag from.

5. These are the girls we made the dresses for.

Adverbios relativos: Además de los pronombres relativos, existen los adverbios relativos. Son tres: when, where y why. De when y where nos basta con lo que ya hemos visto para funcionar bien. En cuanto a why, a veces se puede omitir y a veces sustituir por that. A efectos de aprobar, lo mejor es evitar omitirlo o sustituirlo para no confundirse.
My wife left me. I don´t know the reason she did this.
Mi mujer me dejó. Desconozco la razón de esto.
I don’t know (the reason) why my wife left me.
No sé la razón por la que me dejó mi mujer. / No sé por qué me dejó mi mujer.
She burnt the papers. I ignore the reason she did this.
I don´t know (the reason) why she burnt the papers.
No sé la razón por la que quemó los papeles. / No sé por qué quemó los papeles.

What: Sólo se usa como relativo cuando no hay antecedente.
¿Qué es el antecedente? Resulta que delante de la cláusula de relativo hay una palabra y que esta palabra se llama antecedente.
Las palabras subrayadas delante de las siguientes cláusulas de relativo son ejemplos de antecedentes:
Jane is the girl who won the contest. / Juana es la chica que ganó el concurso.
That is the car which Peter won the race with./ Ese es el coche con el que Juan ganó la carrera.
George, whom I love madly, is the man I will marry .
/Jorge, al que año locamente, es el hombre con el que me voy a casar.
Saturday, which is my favorite day of the week, is a fun day.
/ El sabado, que es mi día de la semana favorito, es un día divertido.
Las siguientes oraciones son ejemplos de oraciones de relativo con what y por lo tanto sin antecedentes.
She doesn´t know what she is doing. / Ella no sabe lo que está haciendo.
They don’t have what it takes to win. / Ellos no tienen lo que hace falta para ganar.
You know what I said. / Tú sabes lo que dije.
Los catetos ingleses sí utilizan what – lo pronuncian wot – en oraciones de relativo con antecedentes. Resulta muy gracioso oírlo y la gente se troncha con esto, sobre todo los norteamericanos.
Ex. I know the girl wot sells flowers. / Conozco a la chica ca vende flores.
No hagas esto, que es un error aunque resulte cómico.

PRACTICE: Make one sentence out of two using a relative pronoun or adverb. Haz una oración de estas dos utilizando un relativo. Hay algo en las oraciones que no va a aparecer en la nueva oración. La oración resultante puede ser defining o non-defining, así que ojo con las comas.
Eje. That is my brother. He is an astronaut.
That is my brother, who is an astronaut.
Ha desaparecido “He,” sustituido por el relativo.

1. That’s my grandmother. I love her a lot.
That is

2. These are the apples. They are from Meg’s orchard.   (orchard=huerto)
These are

3. In the morning I feel dizzy. This happens when I wake up.  (dizzy=mareado)
In the morning, when

4. Who is the actress? She has won an oscar.
Who is the actress

5. Silvana is living in Bombay. Her flat in Rome was sold last month.
Silvana, whose

8. Ray owns a magnificent yacht. He spends the summer sailing in the Caribbean.
Ray, who owns

9. My neighbor loves dogs. She has five poodles.   (poodles=caniches)
My neighbor, who has

10. You have three evening dresses. They are all very fashionable.
You have three evening dresses,

11. Don´t tell me you found the bracelet. You lost it in the park.
Don´t tell me you found the bracelet

12. Where is the man? He wanted to speak to me.
Where is the man who

13. When is the party? Helen is giving it.
When is the party

14. I have no idea. Why did she do that?
I have no idea why

15. You are here. We know the reason.
We know why

16. Felix bought a bird. It can sing.
Felix bought

17. Why is she so happy? I have no notion.
I have no notion why

18. Don’t forget to lock the door of the tunnel. It leads to the secret chambers.
Don’t forget to lock the door of the tunnel

19. Please give me your opinion of the pictures. I painted them.
Please give me your opinion of the pictures

20. 2012 will be the year. I will finish secondary school this year.
2012 will be the year when

21. Alfred broke the vase. Aunt Sarah gave it to us.
Alfred broke the vase

22. Rumania is the country. Popeanga was born there.
Rumania is the country where

23. We remember the day. The war ended that day.
We remember the day when

24. The number of people increases daily. They use mobile phones.
The number of people who

25. Emma is from Holland. I went to buy tulips with her. (Use whom)
Emma, with whom I went

26. Another version of the above.
Emma, who(m) I went

27. They don't have it. The spirit it takes to explore unknown territory.
They don't have what it

28. I will never forget the day. I first saw you that day.
I will never forget the day when

29. We have to say something. But we don´t know what.
We don't know what

30. Arthur has a cat named Melita. She can play the piano.
Arthur has a cat named Melita

31. You gave the money. To whom?
To whom did

32. Another version of the above.
Who(m) did you

Si quieres seguir practicando, pincha en 55 cláusulas de relativo para practicar.


PRACTICE: Fill in the blanks with a relative.

1. Margaret ,  who is my sister , is a professional ballet dancer.
2. That car , which is an antique Rolls Royce , is worth a million dollars.
3. I am with the man who won the tennis match.
4. Wednesday is the day when I go to karate classes.
5. Pierre , who is French , is married to a Japanese girl.

1. My sister, WHO lives in New York, has three children.
2. Are you the boy WHOSE father is a fireman?
3. Those are the books THAT Fenella wrote.
4. Where is the hospital WHERE they operated Samuel?
5. John was with Patricia WHEN  she fell from the tree.
6. There were ten pairs of boots in the shop, WHICH were all brown.
7. Tell the man WHOSE car is parked outside that he´s blocking our driveway.
8. I took those photos, WHICH are of our trip to India.

1. The people we spoke to were very friendly.
The people to whom we spoke were very friendly. 
The people we spoke to were very friendly. 

2. Rita, who I always walk to school with, is very funny.
Rita, with whom I always walk to school, is very funny..
Rita, whom I always walk to school with, is very funny. 

3. The girl that Paul danced with had red hair.
The girl with whom Paul danced had red hair. 

4. This is the lady who they stole the bag from.
This is the lady from whom they stole the bag.

5. These are the girls we made the dresses for.
These are the girls for whom we made the dresses.

1. That’s my grandmother. I love her a lot.
That is my grandmother, whom I love a lot. 

2. These are the apples. They are from Meg’s orchard.   (orchard=huerto)
These are the apples that are from Meg's orchard.
Thesse are the apples which are from Meg's orchard.

3. In the morning I feel dizzy. This happens when I wake up.  (dizzy=mareado)
In the morning, when I wake up, I feel dizzy.

4. Who is the actress? She has won an oscar.
Who is the actress who has won an oscar?

5. Silvana is living in Bombay. Her flat in Rome was sold last month.
Silvana, whose flat in Rome was sold last month, is living in Bombay.

8. Ray owns a magnificent yacht. He spends the summer sailing in the Caribbean.
Ray, who owns a maginficent yacht, spends the summer sailing in the Caribbean. 

9. My neighbor loves dogs. She has five poodles.   (poodles=caniches)
My neighbor, who has five poodles, loves dogs. 

10. You have three evening dresses. They are all very fashionable.
You have three evening dresses, which are all very fashinable.

11. Don´t tell me you found the bracelet. You lost it in the park.
Don´t tell me you found the bracelet that you lost in the park!

12. Where is the man? He wanted to speak to me.
Where is the man who wanted to speak to me?

13. When is the party? Helen is giving it.
When is the party that Helen is giving?

14. I have no idea. Why did she do that?
I have no idea why she did that.

15. You are here. We know the reason.
We know why you are here.

16. Felix bought a bird. It can sing.
Felix bought a bird that can sing.

17. Why is she so happy? I have no notion.
I have no notion why she is so happy.

18. Don’t forget to lock the door of the tunnel. It leads to the secret chambers.
Don’t forget to lock the door of the tunnel which /that leads to a secret chamber.

19. Please give me your opinion of the pictures. I painted them.
Please give me your opinion of the pictures I painted.

20. 2012 will be the year. I will finish secondary school this year.
2012 will be the year when I finish secondary school.

21. Alfred broke the vase. Aunt Sarah gave it to us.
Alfred broke the vase that Aunt Sarah gave us.

22. Rumania is the country. Popeanga was born there.
Rumania is the country where Popeanga was born.

23. We remember the day. The war ended that day.
We remember the day when the war ended.

24. The number of people increases daily. They use mobile phones.
The number of people who / that use moblie phones increases daily. 

25. Emma is from Holland. I went to buy tulips with her. (Use whom)
Emma, with whom I went to buy tulips, is from Holland. 

26. Another version of the above.
Emma, who(m) I went to buy tulips with, is from Holland. 

27. They don't have it. The spirit it takes to explore unknown territory.
They don't have what it takes to explore unknown territory.

28. I will never forget the day. I first saw you that day.
I will never forget the day when I first saw you. 

29. We have to say something. But we don´t know what.
We don't know what to say.

30. Arthur has a cat named Melita. She can play the piano.
Arthur has a cat named Melita who can play the piano. 

31. You gave the money. To whom?
To whom did you give the money?

32. Another version of the above.
Who(m) did you give the money to?


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