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Sunday, 31 March 2013

God's Love / El amor de Dios

Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)
Abu Ben Adhem (¡que su tribu crezca!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
Despertó una noche de un profundo sueño de paz
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Y vió, inmerso en la luz de luna que había en su habitación,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
Volviéndola rica como un lirio en flor,
An angel writing in a book of gold.
Un ángel escribiendo en un libro de oro.
Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
Un exceso de paz había vuelto a Ben Adhem osado
And to the Presence in the room he said
Y a la presencia  que había en su habitación preguntó
"What writest thou?"—The vision raised its head,
“¿Qué escribís vos?” La visión alzó la cabeza
And with a look made of all sweet accord,
Y con una mirada de dulce armonía
Answered "The names of those who love the Lord."
Contestó “Los nombres de los que aman al Señor.”
"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"
“¿Y es el mío uno?” dijo Abu. “No, no es así,”
Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,
Replicó el angel. Abu bajo la voz,
But cheerly still, and said "I pray thee, then,
Pero sin desanimarse dijo,"Os pido entonces
Write me as one that loves his fellow men."
Que me inscribáis como uno que ama a sus semejantes.”
The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
El angel escribió y desapareció. A la noche siguiente
It came again with a great wakening light,
Regresó con una gran luz que despertaba
And showed the names whom love of God had blessed,
Y mostró los nombres bendecidos por el amor de Dios
And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest
Y ¡oh! El nombre de Ben Adhem precedía a todos los demás. .

Leigh Hunt
I wrote this poem about the Sufi saint Ibrahim ibn Adham.

Yo escribí este poema sobre el santo sufí Ibrahim Bin Adham.

You can watch a video about this poem below.
Abajo puedes ver un video sobre este poema.

We found the video and the images for this post in Images from the Internet. We translated the poem ourselves and our translation is quite literal but doesn't rhyme like the original does.
Encontramos el video y las imágenes para esta entrada en imágenes de Internet. El poema lo hemos traducido nosotros de manera  muy literal pero no rima como lo hace el original.
Happy Easter!  / ¡Feliz Pascua Florida!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Spring Sayings / Dichos Primaverales


Spring is an experience in immortality.

La primavera es una experiencia de inmortalidad.

Catullus / Catulo

Spring is like a child that knows poems.

La primavera es como un niño que sabe poemas.

But around a flowering tree you can find a lot of insects.

Pero alrededor de un árbol en flor se encuentran muchos insectos.

Cato / Catón

It is said that when Spring comes, the grass grows by itself.

Se dice que cuando llega la primavera, la hierba crece sola.

But...it is also said that it is only the farmer who faithfully plants the seeds in Spring that reaps a harvest in Autumn.

Pero... tanbién se dice que sólo el agricultor que ha plantado fielmente las semillas en primavera obtendrá una cosecha en otoño.

Augustus / Augusto

One swallow does not make a spring, nor does one fine day. The Greek philosopher Aristotle said that.

Una sóla golondrina no hace una primavera, ni la hace un sólo día primaveral. El filósofo Aristóteles dijo eso.

Don Quijote

But did he say a spring or a summer?

¿Pero dijo primavera o dijo verano?

Woof MacTecla

Why hasn't anyone said that March winds and April showers bring the lovely May flowers?

¿Por qué no ha dicho alguno de vosotros que los vientos de Marzo y las lluvias de Abril traen en Mayo flores mil?


Water is my element, so I think I ought to say that if it rains on Easter Sunday, it will rain the next seven Sundays too. Or so it should.

Lo mío es el agua y por eso pienso que debo decir que si llueve en Domingo de Resurección, lloverá también durante los siete siguientes domingos. O así tendría que ser.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

The Award / El Galardón

Frankie /Curro

Up the road is coming…

Por la carretera sube…

Tiburtius /Tiburcio

Who’s coming?

¿Quién sube?

Vinny / Vicentico

Who´s coming?

¿Quién suuube?

Frankie / Curro

Up the road is coming…the Binky with a lantern! And it´s lit. In broad daylight. I would say this man is daft, but I would rather not talk politics today. The day is fine.

Por la carretera sube ¡el Binky con un farol! Y está encendido. A plena luz del día. Diría que este hombre está perdiendo los papeles. Pero eso le pasa mucho. Y hoy no quiero hablar de política, que hace bonito.

Vinny / Vicentico

Maybe he is looking for an honest man, like Diogenes, the Greek philosopher who went everywhere with a lighted lantern in broad daylight because there was no way he could find one under the sun.

A lo mejor está buscando a un hombre honrado, como hacía Diógenes, el filósofo griego. Iba por todas partes con un farol encendido a plena luz del día porque no había manera de encontrar uno bajo el sol.

Tiburtius / Tiburcio

Why do you know that?

¿Y tú por qué sabes eso?

Vinny / Vicentico

My friend, the kid that comes to the forest to read, told me that story. Hey, man with the lantern! Why are you walking backwards like a shrimp? Is it because the lantern is bigger than you are and you can barely haul it? Why don't you shrink it? You´re magical.

Me lo ha contado mi amigo, el niño ese que viene al bosque a leer. ¡Eh, el del farol! ¿Por qué estás andando hacia atrás como una gamba? ¿Acaso es porque el farol es mas grande que tú y casí no puedes ni arrastrarlo? ¿Por qué no lo encoges? Tú eres mágico.

Mungo Binky

I certainly would like to. But I can’t remember the formula. There are so many. Darn! If I could collect taxes, I wouldn’t be here breaking my back this stupid way. No, don’t worry. I wasn’t thinking of an official car.

De buena gana lo haría. Es que no recuerdo la fórmula. Hay tantas. ¡Porras! Si pudiese cobrar impuestos, no estaría aquí herniándome de esta manera tan tonta. No, no os preocupéis. No estaba pensando en un coche oficial.

Well, since I’ve run into you, I might as well take the opportunity to inform you that I now dispose of the money I need for my school thanks to a donor. And I will add that you are invited to a ceremony during which I will give public thanks to our tax-payer – I mean, to our benefactor – for so generous a gesture.

Bueno, ya que os he visto, aprovecharé para informaros que he conseguido el dinero para mi escuela gracias a un donante. Y que estáis invitados a un acto en el que voy a agradecer públicamente el generoso gesto del contribuyente – es decir, del donante.

This lantern is the Light of Understanding Award. It will be awarded once a year to whoever has done the most to favor mutual understanding between fairies and humans during this period of time. I´m dragging it to the jeweler so he can engrave something fitting on it.

Este farol es el galardón de la Luz del Entendimiento. Se va a otorgar de ahora en adelante anualmente a la persona o personas que hayan hecho más que nadie en ese espacio de tiempo por lograr que las hadas y los humanos nos entendamos. Lo estoy arrastrando al taller del joyero para que grabe algo adecuado en él.

Hey! I have just remembered how to shrink it. Shrinkus est, so carrius melior.

¡Uy, ya me he acordado de cómo encogerlo! Menguatus est, para que cargatus melior.

Frankie / Curro

And the donor who gave you the money is anonymous?

¿Y ese donante que le ha dado el dinero es anónimo?

Mungo Binky

No! Absolutely not. Quite the opposite. It´s not an anonymous donor at all. But I won’t tell you who it is because it wants to be a surprise donor.

¡No! Para nada. No es un donante anónimo.Todo lo contrario. Pero no os digo quién es porque quiere ser un donante sorpresa.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Oh, Willow! /¡Ay, sauce!

The image above is of a tomtit. 

La imagen de arriba es de un pájaro carbonero.

And the image below is of a weeping willow tree.

Y la imagen de abajo es de un sauce llorón.

The willow tree is a symbol of unrequited love.

El sauce es un símbolo del amor no correspondido.

And unrequited love is what the song in this post is about.

Y el amor no correspondido es el tema de la canción de esta entrada.

"Tit Willow" is from "The Mikado," by the very great Gilbert and Sullivan team.  

"¡Ay, sauce!" es de la “zarzuela” inglesa “El Mikado,” de los geniales Gilbert y Sullivan.

Yes, it´s ours.

Si, es nuestra.

The tailor Ko-ko sings this whimsical song to persuade the fierce Katisha to marry him. But he´s not really in love with this frightful woman. He needs to marry her to avoid being executed.

El sastre Ko-Ko canta esta entrañable canción para convencer a la fiera Katisha de que debe casarse con él. Pero no lo hace porque está prendado de esa horrible mujer, sino porque necesita casarse con ella para evitar ser ejecutado.

Listen to the song in the video below and notice how natural an actor Mitchell Butel is. It´s awesome how effortless his performance seems to be.

Escucha la canción en el video de abajo y fíjate en lo bueno que es el actor Mitchell Butel. Resulta impresionante lo natural que parece su interpretación.   

On a tree by a river a little tomtit 
En un árbol junto al río un carbonerito
Sang "Willow, titwillow, titwillow!"  
Cantaba “¡Sauce! ¡Ay sauce! ¡Ay sauce!"
And I said to him, "Dicky-bird, why do you sit
Le pregunté por qué estaba sentadito
Singing 'Willow, titwillow, titwillow?'" 
Cantando `¡Sauce! ¡Ay, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce!´
"Is it weakness of intellect, birdie?" I cried,
“¿Es que eres muy cortito, pajarito?
"Or a rather tough worm in your little inside?"
“¿O un gusano indigerible te has tragado?”
With a shake of his poor little head, he replied
Su pobre cabecita sacudió y contestó,
"Oh, willow, titwillow, titwillow!"
“¡Oh, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce! Ay, sauce!"

He slapped at his chest, as he sat on that bough
Sentado en la rama su pecho golpeó
Singing "Willow, titwillow, titwillow"
Cantando “¡Sauce! ¡Ay, sauce! ¡Ay sauce!”
And a cold perspiration bespangled his brow
Y un sudor frío su frente adornó,
Oh, willow, titwillow, titwillow!
¡Oh, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce!
He sobbed and he sighed, and a gurgle he gave
Gimió y suspiró y también gorjeó
Then he plunged himself into the billowy wave
Y sin más a una gran ola él se arrojó
And an echo arose from the suicide's grave
Y de la tumba del suicida un eco surgió
"Oh, willow, titwillow, titwillow!"
“¡Oh, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce!"

Now I feel just as sure as I'm sure that my name
Pues estoy tan seguro como de que yo
Isn't willow, titwillow, titwillow
No soy un sauce, ay, sauce, ay, sauce,
That 'twas blighted affection that made him exclaim
Que por amor despechado el pobre exclamó
"Oh, willow, titwillow, titwillow!"
“¡Oh, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce! ¡Ay sauce!”
And if you remain callous and obdurate, I
Y si terca y fría persistes en ser
Shall perish as he did, and you will know why
Por tu culpa yo pereceré como él,
Though I probably shall not exclaim as I die
Aunque yo no exclame al morir cuál aquel
"Oh, willow, titwillow, titwillow!"
“¡Oh, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce! ¡Ay, sauce!”

We found the images in this post on Images from the Internet. The Spanish translation of the song, as usual, is ours. It can sort of be sung, but we hope to better it.

Encontramos las imágenes de esta entrada en Imágenes de Internet. La traducción al español de la canción, como siempre,  es nuestra. Se puede cantar pero esperamos mejorarla.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Nauta's Mini Mythology: Anteros / Mini Mitología de Nauta: Anteros


The young man I will tell you about today should have dropped by this blog in February, but it was impossible then and he is here now. His name is Anteros, and he is the god of love requited. That means that he sees to it that people return the love of those that love them.

El joven sobre el que os voy a hablar hoy debió haber aparecido por este blog en febrero. Fue imposible entonces, pero ya está aquí ahora. Su nombre es Anteros y es el dios del amor correspondido. Eso quiere decir que se ocupa de que amemos a los que nos aman.

Anteros / Anteros

Anteros is very similar to and can be easily confused with Eros, also known as Cupid, the god of sensual love, who is his older brother. But Anteros has longer hair and though he is less frivolous, he has got butterfly wings. Also, he carries a solid gold club to menace people who don't know how to appreciate true love with. 

Anteros es muy parecido a y puede confudirse fácilmente con Eros, también conocido como Cupido, el dios del amor sensual, que es su hermano mayor. Pero Anteros tiene el pelo más largo, y aunque es menos frívolo, tiene alas de mariposa. Además, lleva un mazo de oro macizo con el que amenaza a la gente que no sabe apreciar el amor verdadero. 

He especially dislikes those people who mock or make fun of the love others profess for them and can be very mean to them himself. Although he also carries a bow and arrow, his arrows are made of heavy lead and you are much better off not being struck by one of them. It can be a very depressing experience.  

Le caen especialmente mal aquellas personas que se mofan o burlan del amor que otros sienten por ellas y puede ser muy duro con esa gente. Aunque también lleva un arco y flechas, estas están hechas de plomo muy pesado y es mejor que no te alcance alguna de ellas. Puede ser una experiencia muy deprimente.  

Above, you can see Anteros fighting with Eros when they were little.Venus Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, and Mars, the god of war, are their parents. They were worried because their eldest son, Eros, simply wasn`t growing up. Someone advised them to give Eros a brother, which they did. 

Arriba puedes ver a Anteros peleándose con Eros cuando eran pequeños.
Venus Afrodita, la diosa de la belleza, y Marte, el dios de la guerra, son sus padres. Estaban muy preocupados porque su hijo mayor, Eros, no crecía. Les aconsejaron que le diesen un hermano, y eso hicieron. 

At first Eros was jealous and didn't accept Anteros, and they fought some, but eventually Eros accepted he was no longer a baby and he and his brother both grew up to be proper young men. They never got any older than that, though.

Al principio Eros sintió celos y no aceptó a Anteros. Se pelearon bastante pero eventualmente Eros asumió que ya no era un bebé y él y su hermano crecieron y se hicieron hombres jóvenes. Nunca se hicieron más viejos que eso.  

There is a statue of Anteros in Picadilly Circus in London. It is part of the Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain. Many people think the boy with the butterfly wings is the Angel or Spirit of Charity, placed there because the seventh Earl of Shaftesbury was a philantrophist and a social reformer who did a lot for others and most especially for the abolition of slavery.

Hay una estatua de Anteros en Picadilly Circus en Londres. Es parte de la fuente que conmemora la labor del séptimo conde de Shaftesbury.Mucha gente cree que el muchacho con alas de mariposa es el ángel de la caridad cristiana, sito ahí porque el conde de Shaftesbury era un filántrofo y reformador social que hizo mucho por los demás, sobre todo para la abolición de la esclavitud.

Because Picadilly was in a frivolous part of London, surrounded by theatres and once frequented by people that had little to do with the sober Lord Shaftesbury, other people think this is a statue of Eros. But we know better. Butterfly wings? That's Anteros. He was placed there because he represented the love Shaftesbury felt for humanity and because humanity was grateful and returned his love. Whatever people call him, this winged boy whom we know to be Anteros is decidedly a symbol of the city of London.    

Como Picadilly Circus estaba en un barrio frívolo de Londres, rodeado de teatros y era frequentado por gente que poco tenía que ver con el sobrio Lord Shaftesbury, algunos piensan que esta estatua es de Eros. Pero nosotros estamos mejor enterados. ¿Alas de mariposa? Ese es Anteros. Le pusieron ahí porque representa el amor que Shaftesbury sentía por la humanidad y porque la humanidad supo agradecer y devolver ese amor. Le llamen como le llamen, el muchacho alado que nosotros sabemos que es Anteros es un símbolo de la ciudad de Londres.

May your love always be requited.

Que vuestro amor siempre sea correspondido.

We found the photographs of Anteros and Cupid fighting and of the statue of Anteros in Picadilly Circus in Images from the Internet.

Encontramos las imágenes de Anteros y Eros peleando y de la estatua de Anteros en Picadilly en Imágenes de Internet.

You can listen to a whimsical song about unrequited love by clicking right here on Tit Willow.

Puedes escuchar una canción sobre amor no correspondido pinchando directamente en ¡Ay, Sauce!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

To review the present continuous / Para repasar el presente continuo en inglés

Present Continuous: Se forma con am/is/are y el verbo principal +ing.
I am dancing. / Yo estoy bailando.
You are dancing. / Tú estás bailando.
He is dancing. / Él está bailando.
She is dancing. / Ella está bailando.
It is dancing. / “Ello,” la cosa o el animal, está bailando.
We are dancing. / Nosotros/as estamos bailando.
You are dancing. / Vosotros/as estáis bailando.
They are dancing. / Ellos-Ellas están bailando.

1. I _____ __________ (eat) pizza.
2.We _____ ________ ( play) football.
3. She _____ ________(study) French.
4. The cat _____ _______ (sleep) in my bed.
5. The tree _____ _______ (grow) big.
6.The boys _____ _______ (fight) outside.

Reglas para deletrear el presente continuo:
Si el verbo termina en una sóla e, lo más corriente va a ser que esta no se oiga. Si no se oye, se elimina la e al añadir -ing: make – making, bake-baking.
Pero si termina en dos ees, no, porque se suele oÍr. Para eso han puesto dos, para que se oigan.
Recuerda que tienes que conservar la y final siempre: study – studying.
Los verbos de una sílaba que terminan en consonante vocal consonante doblan la última consonante, salvo si está es wx o y. Entonces no.
Ejes. swim – swimming, pero row – rowing.
Las palabras de 2 sílabas que terminan en consonante vocal consonante doblan la última consonante si llevan acento en la última sílaba. Si no, no.
Por eje: commít – committing, admit – admitting, permit – permitting, begin –beginning.
Los verbos que terminan en –ie cambian estas dos letras a y antes de añadir ing: die – dying

1.We _____ ________ (make) our beds.
2. She _____ ________ (take) her medicine.
3. We _____ ________ (have) fun.
4. They _____ _______ (mix) colours.
5. It ____ __________ (begin) to get dark.
6. You _____ ________ (enjoy) this party.
7. I _____ ________ (swim) in our pool.
8. The plant _______ ________ (die). Water it
9. He ____ _________ (commit) a crime.
10. I ____ _________ (row) a boat in the river. (remar)
11.The children ______ _________ (run) home.
12. She ______ __________(tie) a knot. (Ella está atando un nudo.)

Para la negativa, es lo mismo pero con “not.” Eje. I am not shouting. / No estoy gritando.
1. She _____ ______________ (not watch) TV.
2. We _______ _________ (not sleep)
3. Sam _________ _______ (not paint).
4. They ______ __________ (not listen) to the radio.
5. Tom __________ _____________ (not drive).
6. I ________ ____________ (not cry).
7. David and Anne _______ _____________ (not learn) to read.

Para las preguntas que se contestan con sí o con no, esta es la fórmula:

Verbo auxiliar (am, is, are) + sujeto + verbo principal + resto. Are you listening to the radio? / ¿Estás escuchando la radio? Am I boring you? / ¿Te estoy aburriendo? Is she sleeping in her room? / ¿Está durmiendo en su habitación?


No, Bob isn’t working in the garage.

Yes, Sandra is flying to Reno.

No, I am not studying right now.

Yes. We are having breakfast.

Para las preguntas con palabra pregunta o Wh- questions, la formula básica es:
Palabra pregunta + verbo auxiliar (is, am, are) + sujeto + verbo principal + resto+?
Why is Susan sleeping here tonight? / ¿Por qué está durmiendo aquí esta noche Susana?
Who is Clara helping? / ¿A quién está ayudando Clara?

Cuando se pregunta por el sujeto: el sujeto no puede aparecer en la pregunta porque no lo conocemos. La fórmula es la misma, pero sin sujeto.
Palabra pregunta + verbo auxiliar (am, are, is) + verbo principal + resto +?
Who is playing the piano upstairs? / ¿Quién está tocando el piano arriba?

Cuando se pregunta por el verbo principal, éste no puede aparecer en la pregunta y en vez del verbo principal hay que poner el verbo doing. Las fórmulas son iguales pero con doing. Normalmente estas preguntas son con what.
Palabra pregunta (What)+ verbo auxiliar (am, are, is)+doing (sustituto del verbo principal)+resto+?
What are you doing? / ¿Qué estás haciendo? I am fixing my bicycle. Estoy arreglando mi bici.

Practice: Haz preguntas para las siguientes respuestas.

The baby is crying because it is hungry. / El bebé está llorando porque está hambriento.

Ana is hiding in the attic. / Ana se está escondiendo en el ático.

Peter and Tom are fighting outside. / Pedro y Juan se están peleando fuera.

Iris is making the beds. / Iris está haciendo las camas.

Paula is shouting. / Paula está gritando.

I am laughing because Bill told me a joke. / Me estoy riendo porque Guille me ha contado un chiste.

Albert is writing a letter to his family. / Alberto está escribiendo una carta a su familia.

Rita is sending a package full of sweets to her children. Rita está enviando un paquete lleno de dulces a sus hijos.

Sylvia is opening the bottles with Timothy’s knife. / Silvia está abriendo las botellas con el cuchillo de Timoteo.

Ben is kissing Flora. / Ben está besando a Flora.

Ruth is packing her suitcase because she has to fly to Mallorca tomorrow. / Rut está hacienda la maleta porque tiene que volar a Mallorca mañana.

Ed is buying croissants for tea. / Edu está comprando croissants para el té.

Si te fijas, no hemos hecho ninguna pregunta con When. Estas preguntas se suelen referir al futuro, aunque su aspecto sea el de presente continuo. Por ejemplo: When is Elizabeth coming? / ¿Cuándo va a venir Isabel? / Elizabeth is coming tomorrow. / Isabel va a venir mañana. Como puedes ver, no se trata de algo que se está haciendo ahora mismo sino de algo que se va a hacer en algún momento del futuro.


 Ruth is leaving tomorrow morning. / Rut se va mañana por la mañana.

They are opening the new shop next week. / Abren la nueva tienda la semana que viene.

The plane is flying to Bangkok in an hour. / El avión sale para Bangkok en una hora.

Pincha en presente continuo con sentido de futuro si necesitas repasar ese tema.


1. I AM EATING  (eat) pizza.
2.We ARE PLAYING ( play) football.
3. She IS STUDYING (study) French.
4. The cat IS SLEEPING (sleep) in my bed.
5. The tree IS GROWING (grow) big.
6.The boys ARE FIGHTING (fight) outside.

1.We ARE MAKING (make) our beds.
2. She IS TAKING (take) her medicine.
3. We ARE HAVING (have) fun.
4. They ARE MIXING (mix) colours.
5. It IS BEGINNING  (begin) to get dark.
6. You ARE ENJOYING (enjoy) this party.
7. I AM SWIMMING (swim) in our pool.
8. The plant IS DYING(die). Water it
9. He IS COMMITING (commit) a crime.
10. I AM ROWING (row) a boat in the river. (remar)
11.The children ARE RUNNING (run) home.
12. She IS TYING (tie) a knot. (Ella está atando un nudo.)

1. She ISN'T WATCHING (not watch) TV.
2. We AREN'T SLEEPING (not sleep)
3. Sam ISN'T PAINTING (not paint).
4. They AREN'T LISTENING (not listen) to the radio.
5. Tom ISN'T DRIVING (not drive).
7. David and Anne AREN'T LEARNING (not learn) to read.


1 Is Bob woking in the garage?
No, Bob isn’t working in the garage.

2.Is Sandra flying to Reno?
Yes, Sandra is flying to Reno.

3.Are you studying right now?
No, I am not studying right now.

4.Are you having breakfast?
Yes. We are having breakfast.

Practice: Haz preguntas para las siguientes respuestas.

1.Why is the baby crying?
The baby is crying because it is hungry. / El bebé está llorando porque está hambriento.

2. Where is Ana hiding?
Ana is hiding in the attic. / Ana se está escondiendo en el ático.

3.Who is /are fighting outside?
Peter and Tom are fighting outside. / Pedro y Juan se están peleando fuera.

4.What is Iris doing?
Iris is making the beds. / Iris está haciendo las camas.

5.Who is shouting?
Paula is shouting. / Paula está gritando.

6.Why are you laughing?
I am laughing because Bill told me a joke. / Me estoy riendo porque Guille me ha contado un chiste.

7. What is Albert doing?
Albert is writing a letter to his family. / Alberto está escribiendo una carta a su familia.

8.What is Rita sending to her children?
Rita is sending a package full of sweets to her children. Rita está enviando un paquete lleno de dulces a sus hijos.

9. How is Sylvia opening the bottles?
Sylvia is opening the bottles with Timothy’s knife. / Silvia está abriendo las botellas con el cuchillo de Timoteo.

10.Who is Ben kissing?
Ben is kissing Flora. / Ben está besando a Flora.

11.Why is Ruth packing her suitcase?
Ruth is packing her suitcase because she has to fly to Mallorca tomorrow. / Rut está hacienda la maleta porque tiene que volar a Mallorca mañana.

12.Who is buying croissants for tea?
Ed is buying croissants for tea. / Edu está comprando croissants para el té.


1.When is Ruth leaving?
 Ruth is leaving tomorrow morning. / Ruth se va mañana por la mañana.

2. When are they opening the new shop?
They are opening the new shop next week. / Abren la nueva tienda la semana que viene.

3.When is the plane flying to Bangkok?
The plane is flying to Bangkok in an hour. / El avión sale para Bangkok en una hora.

Friday, 1 March 2013

82 Sentences to Write in the Passive Form / 82 oraciones que escribir en la voz pasiva

Don Quijote

Can you find a needle in a haystack?

¿Puedes hallar una aguja en un pajar?


Probably not, but I can ask that same question in the passive form.
Can a needle be found in a haystack?

Probablemente no, pero puedo hacer esa misma pregunta en la voz pasiva.
¿Puede ser hallada una aguja en un pajar?

1. The police didn't question Leonard.

2. The agents sold my house for more than a million dollars.

3. Blandina bought the rights to film that novel.

4. Elizabeth had won medals before.

5. The publishing house will publish your book next month.

6. Anna is selling all her grandmother’s jewels.

7. The police were investigating Algernon’s death.

8. Jade has visited us before.

9. Dr. Dwight should operate Martina.

10. Elsa must have painted the red room blue.

11. A photographer has to take photographs of all the exhibits.

12. That actress is going to win an Oscar sooner or later.

13. Bill´s friends must have eaten all the food in the fridge.

14. The mayor is going to build a new sports center for our town.

15. A tree fell on the roof of Edwin’s house and destroyed it.

16. The locusts ate all the corn Fred had planted.

17. Hailstorms have ruined their crops before.

18. Nobody has stolen the money.

19. She had insulted Harold many times.

20. Goya may have painted your ancestor´s portrait.

21. No one has ever seen the ghost of Crimson Castle.

22. Lita could have taken the child to visit its mother.

23. Clara´s gardener can plant those trees in our garden.

24. Have you ordered the food for the party?

25. Patrick paid for the drinks we took last night.

26. We should have bought the tickets earlier.

27. They planned the trip to Italy very carefully.

28. Leocadia has designed a gorgeous collection of summer clothes.

29. Can one eat ackees?  (ackee = seso vegetal, fruta nacional de Jamaica)

30. The Berbers eat whole stuffed camels.

31. Have you fixed my computer?

32. Did anybody lock the door last night?

33. They still print Mardi Gras party invitations in London and Paris.

34. They light all those chandeliers every Saturday night at the opera.

35. The maid has to make all those beds.

36. Leonora was reciting a poem when Alfred entered the living-room.

37. Peter didn’t park the car in front of a gate.

38. Our mother has made beautiful dresses for us to wear to the party.

39. Lydia forgot her bag in a taxi.

40. Alfred Hitchcock has directed many thrillers.

41. The boys have elected Ferdinand president of their club.

42. Where have you kept the money?

43. Vinny found Mrs. Jones’ dog in the marketplace.

44. Arthur kissed Sarah in front of everybody.

45. Grace will congratulate you the moment she sees you.

46. Should Sylvia inherit Mr. Winter´s  fortune?

47. When will they plant those seeds?

48. Has anybody opened the package?

49. She borrowed that book from me.

50. They donated all their father’s books to the local library.

51. An experienced pilot was flying the plane to Genoa.

52. Alfred´s grandfather was mowing the lawn.

53. James Coleman is going to write my biography.

54. Did a doctor examine Nina?

55. Who has watered the plants?

56. What do they manufacture in this factory?

57. How do you wash delicate clothes?

58. Do Muslims drink wine?

59. Martha has to explain many things to her family.

60. How can I fix this faucet?

61. What can we feed the kitten?

62. Did Mary bake these cupcakes?

63.- 64. They gave Bill a medal for saving the children’s lives.

65. What did they give Alfred?

66. Who killed Cock Robin?

67. When did they rescue the survivors?

68. Why did they cut those trees?

69. Who has broken my vase?

70. Why did you throw the lamp I gave you in the garbage?

71. Who should you have sold this house to?

72. Who can answer such a difficult question?

73. The pirate Blackbeard may have buried a treasure chest on this island.

74. John had founded more than a dozen schools for the blind by the time he was fifty.

75. Who decorates these beautiful cakes?

76. How did they build the pyramids?

77. The Pied Piper of Hamelin had exterminated all the rats before sunrise.

78. They were toying with the hand grenade when it exploded.

79. They buried Mozart in a pauper´s grave.

80. The children had been painting eggs for Easter.

81. They allowed the students to leave early because of the snow.

82. Fred must have left the lights on last night.

We found the image of the needle in the haystack on Images From the Internet.

Encontramos la imagen de la aguja en el pajar en Imágenes de Internet.


1. The police didn't question Leonard.
Leonard wasn't questioned by the police.

2. The agents sold my house for more than a million dollars.
My house was sold for more than a million dollars by the agents.

3. Blandina bought the rights to film that novel.
The rights to film that novel were bought by Blandina. 

4. Elizabeth had won medals before.
Medals had been won by Elizabeth before.

5. The publishing house will publish your book next month.
Your book will be published by the publishing house next month.

6. Anna is selling all her grandmother’s jewels.
All her grandmother's jewels are being sold by Ana.

7. The police were investigating Algernon’s death.
Algernon's death was being investigated by the police. 

8. Jade has visited us before.
We have been visited by Jade before.

9. Dr. Dwight should operate Martina.
Marina should be operated by Dr. Dwight.

10. Elsa must have painted the red room blue.
The room must have been painted blue by Elsa. 

11. A photographer has to take photographs of all the exhibits.
Photographs of all the exhibits have to be taken by a photographer.

12. That actress is going to win an Oscar sooner or later.
An Oscar is going to be won by that actress sooner or later.

13. Bill´s friends must have eaten all the food in the fridge.
All the food in the fridge must have been eaten by Bill's friends. 

14. The mayor is going to build a new sports center for our town.
A new sports center is going to be built by the mayor for our town. 

15. A tree fell on the roof of Edwin’s house and destroyed it.
Edwin's house was destroyed by a tree that fell on in.

16. The locusts ate all the corn Fred had planted.
All the corn (that) Fred had planted was eaten by the locusts. 

17. Hailstorms have ruined their crops before.
Their crops have been ruined by hailstorms before. 

18. Nobody has stolen the money.
The money hasn't been stolen by anybody. 

19. She had insulted Harold many times.
Harold had been insulted by her many times.

20. Goya may have painted your ancestor´s portrait.
Your ancestor's portrait may have been painted by Goya.

21. No one has ever seen the ghost of Crimson Castle.
The ghost of Crimson Castle has never been seen by anyone.

22. Lita could have taken the child to visit its mother.
The child could have been taken to visit its mother by Lita.

23. Clara´s gardener can plant those trees in our garden.
Those trees can be planted in our garden by Clara's gardener.

24. Have you ordered the food for the party?
Has the food for the party been ordered (by you)?

25. Patrick paid for the drinks we took last night.
The drinks that we took last night were paid for by Patrick.

26. We should have bought the tickets earlier.
The tickets should have been bought earlier (by us).

27. They planned the trip to Italy very carefully.
The trip to Italy was planned very carefully by them.

28. Leocadia has designed a gorgeous collection of summer clothes.
A gorgeous collection of summer clothes has been designed by Leocadia.

29. Can one eat ackees?
Can ackees be eaten? (ackee, seso vegetal, fruta nacional de Jamaica)

30. The Berbers eat whole stuffed camels.
Whole stuffed camels are eaten by the Berbers.

31. Have you fixed my computer?
Has my computer been fixed.

32. Did anybody lock the door last night?
Was the door locked last night (by anybody)?

33. They still print Mardi Gras party invitations in London and Paris.
Mardi Gras invitations are still printed in London and Paris.

34. They light all those chandeliers every Saturday night at the opera.
All those chandeliers are lit every Saturday night at the opera.

35. The maid has to make all those beds.
All those beda have to be made by the maid.

36. Leonora was reciting a poem when Alfred entered the living-room.
A poem was being recited by Leonora when Alfred entered the living-room.

37. Peter didn’t park the car in front of a gate.
The car wasn't parked in front of a gate by Peter.

38. Our mother has made beautiful dresses for us to wear to the party.
Beautiful dresses have been made by our mother for us to wear to the party.

39. Lydia forgot her bag in a taxi.
Her bag was forgotten in a taxi by Lydia.

40. Alfred Hitchcock has directed many thrillers.
Many thrillers have been directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

41. The boys have elected Ferdinand president of their club.
Ferdinand has been elected president of their club by the boys.

42. Where have you kept the money?
Where has the money  been kept (by you)?

43. Vinny found Mrs. Jones’ dog in the marketplace
Mrs. Jones' dog was found in the marketplace by Vinny..

44. Arthur kissed Sarah in front of everybody.
Sarah was kissed by Arthur in front of everybody.

45. Grace will congratulate you the moment she sees you.
You will be congratulated by Grace the moment she sees you.

46. Should Sylvia inherit Mr. Winter´s  fortune?
Should Mr. Winter's fortune be inherited by Sylvia?

47. When will they plant those seeds?
When will those seeds be planted?

48. Has anybody opened the package?
Has the package been opened (by anyone)?

49. She borrowed that book from me.
The book was borrowed by her from me.

50. They donated all their father’s books to the local library.
All their father's books were donated to the local library by them.

51. An experienced pilot was flying the plane to Genoa.
The plane was being flown to Genoa by an experienced pilot.   

52. Alfred´s grandfather was mowing the lawn.
The lawn was being mowed by Alfred's grandfather.

53. James Coleman is going to write my biography.
My biography is going to be written by James Coleman.

54. Did a doctor examine Nina?
Was Nina examined by a doctor?

55. Who has watered the plants?
Who have the plants been watered by?

56. What do they manufacture in this factory?
What is manufactured in this factory?

57. How do you wash delicate clothes?
How are delicate clothes washed?

58. Do Muslims drink wine?
Is wine drunk by Muslims?

59. Martha has to explain many things to her family.
Many things have to be explained by Martha to her family.

60. How can I fix this faucet?
How can this faucet be fixed (by me)?  

61. What can we feed the kitten?
What can the kitten be fed (by us)?

62. Did Mary bake these cupcakes?
Who baked these cupcakes?

63.- 64. They gave Bill a medal for saving the children’s lives.
Bill was given a medal for saving the chilren's lives.

65. What did they give Alfred?
What was Alfred given?

66. Who killed Cock Robin?
Who was Cock Robin killed by?

67. When did they rescue the survivors?
When were the survivors rescued?

68. Why did they cut those trees?
Why were those trees cut?

69. Who has broken my vase?
By whom has my vase been broken?

70. Why did you throw the lamp I gave you in the garbage?
Why was the lamp I gave you thrown in the garbage by you?

71. Who should you have sold this house to?
To whom should you have sold this house?
Whom should you have sold this house to?

72. Who can answer such a difficult question?
By whom can such a difficult question be answered?
Who(m) can such a difficult question be answered by?

73. The pirate Blackbeard may have buried a treasure chest on this island.
A treasure chest may have been buried by the pirate Blackbeard on this island.

74. John had founded more than a dozen schools for the blind by the time he was fifty.
More than a dozen schools for the blind had been founded by John by the time he was fifty. 

75. Who decorates these beautiful cakes?
Who are these beautiful cakes decorated by?

76. How did they build the pyramids?
How were the pyramids built?

77. The Pied Piper of Hamelin had exterminated all the rats before sunrise.
All the rats had been exterminated by the Pied Piper of Hamelin before sunrise.

78. They were toying with the hand grenade when it exploded.
The hand grenade was being toyed with (by them) when it exploded.

79. They buried Mozart in a pauper´s grave.
Mozart was buried in a pauper's grave.

80. The children had been painting eggs for Easter.
Eggs  had been being painted by the children for Easter. 

81. They allowed the students to leave early because of the snow.
The students were allowed to leave early because of the snow.

82. Fred must have left the lights on last night.
The lights must have been left on by Fred last night. 


Advent Calendar/Calendario de adviento (25) Animal rights / Derechos de los Animales (7) Art / Arte (15) Astronomy / Astronomía (9) Australia /Australia (2) Authors (28) Birthdays / Cumpleaños (32) Carnival / Carnaval (4) Christmas / Navidad (37) Compositions / Redacciones (14) Condolences / Condolencias (6) Constitutionalism / Constitucionalismo (4) Contests / Concursos (2) Coronations/Coronaciones (1) Ecology / Ecología (3) Extracurricular Activities / Actividades Extraescolares (9) Feng Shui (8) Field Trips (1) Films / Películas (8) Games/Juegos (3) Geography / Geografía (4) Ghosts / Fantasmas (13) Grammar to Get by / Gramática para apañarse (67) Halloween / Noche de Ánimas (31) Health / Salud (2) History / Historia (37) Human Rights / Derechos Humanos (13) Inventions / Inventos (1) Ireland / Irlanda (10) Laws / Leyes (5) Legends / Leyendas (48) Listening / Escuchar (27) London / Londres (5) Maths / Matemáticas (4) Memes/Memes (2) Messages / Mensajes (6) Mini Calendar / Mini Calendario (10) Mini Mythology / Mini Mitología (80) Mini Zodiac / Mini Zodiaco (12) Mr. Eddy / El Señorito Eddy (5) Music (4) Music / Música (106) Needn´t Be Lost Causes / Causas No Necesariamente Perdidas (4) News / Noticias (25) Novels (7) Nursery Rhymes / Rimas para niños (17) Obituaries / Obituarios (6) Other Animals / Otros Animales (7) People/Gente (47) Plants / Plantas (11) Poems / Poesías (94) Poets/ Poetas (46) Precious and the Air / Preciosa y el Aire (4) Recipes / Recetas (19) Recommended Reading / Lecturas Recomendadas (32) Saints / Santos (22) Sayings and Saws and Proverbs and Quotes and Maxims / Dichos y refranes y proverbios y citas y máximas (9) Science / Ciencias (5) Scotland / Escocia (12) Scotland /Escocia (1) Shopping and gifts / Compras y regalos (7) Short Texts to Read / Breves textos que leer (28) Songs / Canciones (122) Speaking / Hablar (15) Special Days / Días Especiales (110) Sports / Deportes (9) Story report / ficha de un cuento (25) Tales of a Minced Forest/Cuentos del Bosque Triturado (136) Toora Chronicles / Crónicas Toora (245) Trailers (11) Valentine´s Day / Día de San Valentín (11) Vocabulary / Vocabulario (39) Wales / Gales (8) Winter /Invierno (2) Writing / Escribir (13)
