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Saturday, 14 December 2013

On Eggs and Christmas Plans / Sobre huevos y planes navideños


My mummy and daddy, the baby and I
Had an egg for dinner, 
We left over half.
And absolutely no one got to touch the top.

Mi padre, mi madre, mi hermanito y yo
Comimos un huevo,
La mitad sobró. 
Y la coronilla, nadie la toco. 

Either that is the silliest song ever, or that there was a gigantic egg and  therefore I want one of those. Or two dozen. Or three million. Maybe it was a dinosaur egg. Do you know where I can find a couple hundred dinosaur eggs, Blake? It is my sudden intention to cook the biggest omelette ever with them, right here on my amazing food blog. Now that I think of it, perhaps the Guinness Book of Records people might know where I can find the biggest egg there is. I deserve that egg. I´m a very good eater. I would do it justice. 

O esta es la canción más tonta que he escuchado jamás o ese huevo era gigantesco y por lo tanto yo quiero uno así. O dos docenas de ellos. O tres millones. Tal vez era un huevo de dinosaurio. ¿Sabe usted dónde puedo encontrar un par de cientos de huevos de dinosaurio, Blake? Es mi repentina intención cocinar la tortilla más grande nunca vista con esos huevos aquí mismo en este blog gastronómico. De pronto se me está ocurriendo que tal vez los del libro Guinness sepan dónde puedo encontrar el huevo más grande que existe. Yo me merezco ese huevo. Yo como muy bien. Le haría justicia.  

Mr. Blake

I'm the one who must be about to break a record asking you over and over what happened to the people on this blog. And it might not be all I break.   

Yo soy el que debe estar a punto de romper un record con tanto preguntar que ha pasado con la gente de este blog. Puede que no sea lo único que rompa.  


Soft-boiled. I would eat the biggest egg ever soft-boiled. Do you know how to eat soft-boiled eggs properly, Blakey? Not everyone does. You have to cut off the top with a special kind of scissors. Do you know which end of an egg is the top? It´s the pointy end. Do you think there are egg-cutting scissors big enough to cut the biggest egg in the world's top off or has nobody thought to make them? Where can I have them made? Maybe I should ask for a pair for Christmas. That way I won´t have to trouble about finding someone to make them for me. I know exactly how I want them. Just like those in the picture  below. I found it on Images from the Internet.

Pasado por agua. Así me comería yo el huevo más grande del mundo. ¿Sabes cómo comer huevos pasados por agua correctamente, Blakey? No todo el mundo sabe. Hay que cortar la coronilla con unas tijeras especiales. ¿Sabes que punta del huevo es la coronilla? Es la más puntiaguda.  ¿Existirán  tijeras lo suficientemente grandes en el mundo para cortar la coronilla del huevo más grande del mundo o será que a nadie se le ha ocurrido fabricarlas? ¿Dónde puedo encargar que me hagan unas? Tal vez debería pedir un par por Reyes. Así no tendré que ocuparme personalmente de encontrar un fabricante. Sé exactamente cómo las quiero. Como las de la imagen de abajo. La encontré en Imágenes de Internet. 

Mr. Blake

What makes you think you are getting gifts for Christmas? There is no one left on this blog to give you any.

¿Qué te hace pensar que recibirás regalos de Reyes? No queda nadie en este blog para dártelos. 


Oh, you are so wrong! Nobody need give me anything. The gifts all these people were going to receive are sure to be already ordered. And if they are not here to take them, why shouldn´t I get to keep them? There´s only me left to enjoy everything Santa and the Wise Men fork out. Likewise, several of these people had ordered their Christmas dinners before they disappeared. When the caterers show up, I mean to see to it that food is consumed. I don't believe in wasting food. Do you? 

¡Ay, que equivocado estás! Nadie tiene que darme nada. Los regalos que toda esa gente iba a recibir ya tienen que haber sido encargados. Y si todas esas personas no están aquí para recibirlos, ¿por qué no he de quedármelos yo? Sólo quedo yo para disfrutar de lo que dejen Papá Noel y los Reyes Magos. Además, mucha de esta gente también habrá encargado con antelación su cena de Navidad. Cuando los del catering aparezcan, me ocuparé con gusto de que esa comida no se desperdicie. No me parece bien tirar comida. ¿Y a ti? 

Mr. Blake 
At least he has revealed his intentions. I should have imagined what they would be.

Al menos ha revelado sus intenciones. Debí haberme imaginado esto. 

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Shakespearean Cats Contest / Concurso Gatos Shakesperianos

The Shakespeare Cats Calendar Contest: This contest is based on pictures from a calendar by Susan Herbert we bought for our classroom. To participate, translate the texts we wrote about them and answer the questions below each text. We'll publish the best translations on Booknosey/Fisgalibros. Good luck!

El concurso del calendario de los gatos de Shakespeare: Este concurso está basado en ilustraciones de un calendario de Susan Herbert que compramos para nuestra aula. Para participar, traduce los textos que elaboramos sobre ellas y contesta a las preguntas que vienen debajo de cada uno. Publicaremos las mejores traducciones en Booknosey / Fisgalibros. ¡Buena suerte! 
“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” is visited by the ghost of his father. The late king of Denmark tells his son he has been murdered by his brother, who has usurped the throne and married his widow. He asks Hamlet to avenge him. Hamlet does not take immediate action. He cannot make up his mind whether he should act against his uncle and his mother or not until the end of the play. By then, everyone thinks he is crazy and his girlfriend Ophelia has drowned while suffering a terrible depression. And our questions are: Who did the skull Hamlet is holding in the picture once belong to? What was Ophelia doing when she drowned?

“The Two Gentlemen of Verona,” Valentine and Proteus, are good friends who fall out when they both fall in love with the same woman. But eventually they become friends again. And our question is: What is the name of the woman the friends fight over?

“The Tempest,” is a play about a man named Prospero who has to flee to an island with his daughter to escape his political enemies. The only inhabitants of the island are a good spirit named Ariel and Caliban, the stupid son of an evil witch. Prospero finds the dead witch´s books and magic instruments and becomes an expert magician. With Ariel´s help he brings his enemies to the island and is able to defeat them there. And our question is: What is Prospero´s daughter´s name?

“The Taming of the Shrew,” is about a man who has two marriageable daughters. The youngest, Bianca, is very sweet and docile, but the eldest, Kate, is fierce and formidable. A man named Petrucchio who is in need of money and who wants to do a friend a favor decides to marry Kate, confident that he can turn her into a submissive wife.

“The Merchant of Venice,” is about a poor man who wants to marry a beautiful, rich and intelligent woman named Portia. To court her, he asks his friend Antonio, a rich merchant, for a loan. At that moment Antonio has no cash at hand. He is waiting for his ships to return from a trip loaded with riches.  But because he wants to help his friend, he runs a risk and asks for a loan himself from a man named Shylock. Shylock is a Jew who has suffered a lot from racism and this has made him bitter. He puts a cruel and unusual clause in the contract Antonio signs and when Antonio is unable to return the loan on time, Portia dresses like a man so she can defend Antonio in court. She proves to be a brilliant lawyer.  And the question is: In what strange way does Portia choose a husband?

“As You Like It,” is about a lot of people who have had to hide from their powerful enemies in the forest of Ardennes. Young Rosalind and her cousin Celia are among those who find refuge there, disguised as a young shepherd and shepherdess. The handsome Orlando, who is also there, hiding from his cruel older brother, finds he is fascinated by Rosalind although he thinks she is a young man. And the question is: When did we publish in Michael Toora´s blog a song from this play and what is the song about?

“Othello, the Moor of Venice,” is a play about envy and jealousy. Othello is a very jealous black man married to a white woman who is very much in love with him. But a very envious man named Iago decides to destroy Othello making him think his wife Desdemona has been unfaithful to him. And the question is: What happens to Othello and Desdemona?

“Antony and Cleopatra,” is about the most famous of Egyptian queens and her Roman lover, who was at that time one of the two possibly most powerful men in the world. Our question is: Who was the other powerful man?  Hint: he sometimes appears in this blog.

“Macbeth,” is a play about ruthless ambition. Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis, which means he is an important Scottish lord. Three witches appear before him and tell him he has just been named Thane of Cawdor, an even more important position than the one he holds, and they prophesy that one day he will even get to be King of Scotland. Instead of waiting for this to happen, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, decide to make it happen by murdering the present King of Scotland when he spends a night at their castle. After the murder, Macbeth does get to be king, but he only lives to regret this. And the question is: What does Macbeth use to kill the sleeping king and how is he himself tortured by this object?  

“Henry V,” is a historical play. It is part of a tetralogy about Prince Harry, who was very wild when he was young but became a serious king. One of the famous things about this play is a very patriotic speech Henry gives before a famous battle in which the English beat the French despite being much outnumbered. Our question is: What is the name of this battle and when was it fought?

“Richard III,” is about the last of the Plantagenet kings of England. He was succeeded by his enemies, 
the Tudors. And because Shakespeare lived when the Tudors reigned in England, he made Richard appear as mean and cruel and ugly as he could, although this involved lying. Among the terrible things Richard is said to have done is murder his nephews, two boys who were as much a threat to him as to the Tudors, who could have done the murder themselves. And the question is: Where were the young princes when they were murdered?

We found the picture of the Shakespeare Cat Ophelia in Images from the Internet. To see the pictures  from our calendar, visit the Word Corner near the Library.

Encontramos el retrato de la gata shakesperiana Ofelia en Imágenes de Internet. Para ver los retratos de nuestro calendario, visitad el Rincón de las Palabras Inglesas junto a la Biblioteca.  


Hey! This isn´t about food. Who dared to publish this?

¡Eh! Esto no va de comida. ¿Quién se ha atrevido a publicar esto?

 Mr. Blake

Will you tell me once and for all what happened to your people? 

¿Me vas a decir de una vez que le ha pasado a tu gente? 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

On Food and Health / Sobre comida y salud


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But nowadays you've got to wash it well first  before you eat it. 

Una manzana al día ahuyenta al médico. Pero hoy en día tienes que lavarla muy bien antes de comerla. 

Cato / Catón

If your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it.

Si tu bisabuela no lo reconocería como comida, no te lo comas.


When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is right, medicine is of no need. That is Ayurvedic advice. I know this because I travel. 

Cuando la dieta es mala, la medicina no sirve de nada. Cuando la dieta es buena, la medicina no es necesaria. Eso es un consejo ayurvédico. Lo sé porque viajo.  

Catullus / Catulo

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like and do what you’d rather not. This means that to be fit, you have to suffer.

La única manera de mantener la salud es comer lo que no quieres, beber lo que no te gusta y hacer lo que no te apetece. En fin, para estar en forma hay que sufrir.

Woof MacTecla

One should eat to live, not live to eat. I wish we dogs could do that. We're so anxious about food. But then we never know for sure when or if we´re going to find food or be fed next.   

Uno debe comer para vivir, no vivir para comer. Me gustaría que los perros pudiésemos hacer eso. Somos tan ansiosos cuando se trata de comida. Pero es que nunca sabemos con seguridad si vamos a encontrar comida o ser alimentados.


A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety. In the forest, you have to eat fast. The raccoons often steal my food. 

Un mendrugo que has podido comer en paz sienta mejor que un banquete ingerido con ansiedad. En el bosque, hay que comer rápido. Con frecuencia me roban la comida los mapaches.


They say one should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper. I prefer to eat always like an emperor. If possible, Roman.

Dicen que hay que desayuna como un rey, almorzar como un príncipe y cenar como un mendigo. Pero yo prefiero comer siempre como un emperador, a ser posible romano.

Augustus Caesar / Augusto Cesar

Modus omnibus in rebus.

Be moderate in everything. 

En todo hay que ser comedido.


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