And we fled from there because if you get involved in anything that is going on in Avalon you never ever get to leave. End of our Odyssey. What an outing! I´m bushed!
Y salimos de ahí pitando porque si te entretienes en Avalon, no acabas de irte nunca, y aquí estamos ahora. Fin de nuestra odisea. Menuda excursión. Estoy molido.
What I don´t understand is what they said about St. Curmudgeon´s Royal Library. Is there a St. Curmudgeon? I thought saints had to have a lot of patience.
Lo que yo no entiendo es lo de la biblioteca ésa del tal San Cascarrabias. ¿Hay un San Cascarrabias? Yo creiá que los santos tienen que tener mucha paciencia.
Lo que yo no entiendo es lo de la biblioteca ésa del tal San Cascarrabias. ¿Hay un San Cascarrabias? Yo creiá que los santos tienen que tener mucha paciencia.
What is that about St. Curmudgeon? That´s always been the Royal Library of the Saintly Job.
It was founded during the Elizabethan period by Mr. Hobbs, a kindly gentleman who was so interested in studying the fairy people that he went to live with them on the Isle of the Blessed and named the library after his patron saint. Some say this wise and modest man is the true author of Shakespeare´s plays. It is almost certain that he was involved in the writing of "The Tempest" and "A Midsummer Night´s Dream." And the poem about Queen Mab from "Romeo and Juliet" may be by Mr. Job Hobbs too.
It was founded during the Elizabethan period by Mr. Hobbs, a kindly gentleman who was so interested in studying the fairy people that he went to live with them on the Isle of the Blessed and named the library after his patron saint. Some say this wise and modest man is the true author of Shakespeare´s plays. It is almost certain that he was involved in the writing of "The Tempest" and "A Midsummer Night´s Dream." And the poem about Queen Mab from "Romeo and Juliet" may be by Mr. Job Hobbs too.
¿Cómo que San Cascarrabias? Esa es la Real Biblioteca del Santo Job de todo la vida. La fundó en el siglo de oro inglés el Sr. Hobbs, un caballero amabilísimo que para estudiar mejor al pueblo de las hadas se fue a vivir a la Isla Dichosa y dió a la biblioteca que fundó el nombre de su santo patrón. Hay quien dice que ese señor tan sabio y modesto es el verdadero autor de las obras de Shakespeare. Y es casi seguro que algo tuvo que ver con "La Tempestad" y "Sueño de una Noche de San Juan." El poema sobre la reina Mab de "Romeo y Julieta" puede ser de Mr. Job Hobbs.
Well, Michael, I want to thank you for dealing with this affair about the houses for us. I´m quite satisfied with the way things have turned out. It has not escaped me that those builders have tried to upset me by planting Alpin´s monument on top of my violets, but -
Bueno, Michael, yo quiero agradecerte que hayas solucionado el asunto éste de las casas para nosotros. Estoy bastante satisfecha con cómo ha ido todo. No se me escapa que los constructores ésos han intentado fastidiarme plantando el monumento de Alpin encima de mis violetas pero...
Mum! I don´t think they did that on purpose.
¡Mama! No creo que lo hayan hecho a propósito.
Well, then they are lousy at their job like all builders. But I must admit they have made my girls happy and that my little boy has a really sweet dollhouse in our garden, which is where it should be. Above all, I am a mother, so I am going to send this two people a little gift to thank them for their kindness. I am going to send Earl one of those helmets builders wear because I am sure that running around a quarry with nothing but a hanky on your head has to be illegal.
Pues entonces son unos chapuzas como todos. Pero he de admitir que han hecho felices a mis niñas y que mi hijo tiene una casita de muñecas muy mona en nuestro jardín, que es donde debe de estar. Ante todo soy madre, así que voy a tener un detalle con esa gente para agradecerles sus atenciones. A Earl le voy a mandar un casco reglamentario, porque eso de que vaya por la cantera con un pañuelito en la cocorota seguro que es ilegal.
Mum, the earl isn´t mortal. He doesn´t need a helmet.
Mamá, que el conde no es un mortal. No necesita casco.
No matter. I´m sure he is infringing one of that Binky´s rules or regulations. And as for that Ludovica...I´ll think of something that will suit her just fine.
Da igual. Seguro que está contraviniendo una orden del Binky ése. Y a la Ludovica no sé, pero ya se me ocurrirá algo que mandarle.
Mummy, furnish my palace! To begin with, I demand the best mortal TV the market has to offer!
Mami, amuebla mi palacio. Para empezar, exijo la mejor tele mortal del mercado.
Certainly not. We´d be just like the mortals. Each in his own house and mortal TV in all of them.
No way. Somebody, stuff six muffins in Alpin´s mouth before he begins to yell. I´ve had enough of him for one summer. Why doesn´t Binky invent school once and for all? I want to enroll this kid, it´s already autumn. Talk, talk, promise, promise! That´s all Binky does. By the way, nephew, why are there bricks all around your treehouse? Are you going to do some building yourself?
No way. Somebody, stuff six muffins in Alpin´s mouth before he begins to yell. I´ve had enough of him for one summer. Why doesn´t Binky invent school once and for all? I want to enroll this kid, it´s already autumn. Talk, talk, promise, promise! That´s all Binky does. By the way, nephew, why are there bricks all around your treehouse? Are you going to do some building yourself?
Eso no, que vamos a parecer los mortales. Cada uno en sus casa y la tele en la de todos. Ni hablar. Que alguien le meta seis magdalenas a Alpin en la boca antes de que empiece a gritar. Ya me ha dado bastante guerra este verano. A ver si inventa de una vez Binky la escuela y le matriculo, que ya es otoño. ¡Hablar, hablar, prometer, prometer, es todo lo que hace Binky! Oye, sobrino, ¿por qué tienes tú la casa llena de ladrillos? ¿También vas a hacer obra?

Erh, no. Why don´t we ask Don Quijote what there was inside the little box they gave him?
Eh, no. ¿Por qué no le preguntamos a Don Quijote qué había en la cajita que le han dado?
A deed. They have given me my own granite stone cave so I can retire to meditate on the blessed isle whenever I want to.
Una escritura. Me han regalado mi propia cueva de granito para que pueda ir a meditar a la isla bendita y velar allí mis armas siempre que quiera.
I had to find out through that somebody has been harassing this blog.
Me he tenido que enterar por cotillas. com que alguien está acosando este blog.
People are also judged by the importance of their enemies. I have already told Michael that this is a unique opportunity to acquire an antagonist. You will never be bigtime, brother, unless you fight with someone. You need a fiend to defeat.
También por sus enemigos se mide a la gente. Yo ya le he dicho a Michael que esta es una oportunidad única para conseguir un antagonista. Nunca serás famoso, hermano, si no te peleas con alguien. Necesitas un energumeno al que derrotar.
I don´t need to be famous. And the last thing I want is an enemy. I wouldn´t know what to do with one. Stab him with a dagger? That´s not in my line. I´m a pacifist.
Yo no necesito ser famoso. Y lo último que quiero es tener un enemigo. No sabría que hacer con él. ¿Clavarle una daga? No es lo mío. ¡Soy pacifista!
Bullying and harassing cannot be allowed. You have to find out who is doing this and put an end to it.
El acoso no se puede consentir. Tienes que averiguar de quién se trata y poner fin a esto.
Look, I have a couple of addresses here that might be of help to you. In the first place, there is They´re really mean and sneaky, but I´ve dealt with trickier people yet. And there is also They pretend to be friendly and say they are really trying to help you better your lifestyle. They´re really mean and sneaky, but I´ve dealt with trickier people yet. And there is also They pretend to be friendly and say they are really trying to help you better your lifestyle.
Mira, tengo aquí unas direcciones que pueden serte útiles. En primer lugar, está Son harto ladinos, pero con peor gente me las he visto yo. Y también están los de Estos van de amables y dicen querer solucionarte la vida.
There is no such thing as a friendly harasser. According to their profile, bullies and harassers only want to look and feel good themselves. I´ll tell you who is a real angel that helps people. The person that throws a banana peel into a trashcan for biological garbage without screaming: "Hey, you! I´m doing this so you won´t slip and die!" You have to make the way easier for others without attracting undue attention and without frightening them to death. That´s what people who really want to help do. They don´t risk doing things that can have bad consequences.
No hay tal cosa como un acosador amable. Mirad el perfil del acosador. Siempre van buscando quedar bien ellos. Yo os voy a decir quién es un ángel que ayuda a la gente. El que tira el pellejo de un plátano a un contenedor de basura biológica sin chillar, ¡eh, tú, que estoy haciendo esto para que no resbales y te mates! Hay que allanar el camino de los demás sin llamar la atención y sin arriesgarse a darles un susto de muerte. Eso es lo que hacen los que realmente quieren ayudar. No se arriesgan a hacer cosas que pueden traer malas consecuencias.
Let´s have a look at those notes.
Echemos un vistazo a esas notas.

Some of these messages can be interpreted in different ways. They could be friendly, but since they got here accompanied by bricks, it doesn´t seem likely. Others are unintelligible. Look at the one the Leafy is holding.
Algunos de estos mensajes tienen doble lectura. Podrían ser amables, pero al ir acompañados por los ladrillos dejan de serlo. Otros son ininteligibles. Mirad el que sujeta el Leafy.

Do you already know who did this?
¿Ya sabes quién ha sido?
Yes! There are at least two people involved and the answer to this mystery can be found in the the Job Hobbs Royal Library.
¡Sí! Son dos, y la respuesta a esto está en la Real Biblioteca que fundó Job Hobbs.
Elementary. The answer to everything can be found in the books of that library. Now you know where to look, Michael. I´m giving you leave to go find the guilty parties.
Elemental. En los libros de esa biblioteca están las respuestas a todo. Ya sabes donde ir a buscar, Michael. Licencia te doy para que vayas a buscar a los culpables.

But I don´t want to go looking for enemies. And much less to find them.
¡Pero si no quiero buscar enemigos! Y mucho menos encontrarlos.
I wouldn´t worry about that if I were you. On this blog one never finds what one is looking for. I haven´t found the staff for my school, you haven´t found the shoe that you lack, the glowworms can´t return the coin to the ghost they are seeking, and more stuff I can´t remember right now.
By the way, did you find your copy of Bulfinch´s mythology? I bumped into it in Avalon and it promised to find me a quote for one of my speeches.
By the way, did you find your copy of Bulfinch´s mythology? I bumped into it in Avalon and it promised to find me a quote for one of my speeches.
Yo de tí no me preocuparía. En este blog nunca encontramos nada de lo que buscamos. Yo no he encontrado personal para mi escuela, tu no has encontrado el zapato que te falta, las luciérnagas no pueden devolver la moneda al fantasma ése que buscan y más cosas que ahora ni recuerdo. Por cierto, ¿encontraste tu copia de la mitologia de Bulfinch? Nos vimos en Avalon y prometi´o buscarme una cita para uno de mis discursos.
And I can´t find the memory I can´t recall. Should we all go on a quest?
Y yo no encuento el recuerdo que no recuerdo. ¿Nos vamos todos de gesta?
Yes! Until the third season of Michael Toora´s blog begins!
¡Sí! ¡Hasta que empiece la tercera temporada del blog de Michael Toora!
What dark secret does the Royal Library hide?
¿Cuál es el oscuro secreto que esconde la Real Biblioteca?
Who threw the bricks?
¿Quién tiró los ladrillos?
Will Binky´s dream to found a school that explains humans come true?
¿Podrá Binky realizar su sueño de fundar una escuela que sirva para entender a los mortales?
Will Arley find the true reason for his nightmares?
¿Encontrará Arley la explicación a sus pesadillas?
Will Alpin buy the most expensive of mortal TVs for his shack?
¿Comprará Alpin la más cara de las teles mortales para su choza?
All this and much more when the third season of Michael Toora´s blog begins!
¡Todo esto y más cuando empiece la tercera temporada del Blog de Michael Toora!
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