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Friday, 20 January 2012

Racing with Rats / Carreras con ratas

The Chinese Zodiac / El Zodiaco Chino
The Chinese Zodiac is a twelve year cycle in which each of the twelve years is represented by a different animal. People born during the year of a certain animal are said to resemble this creature. There are so many different kinds of animals that there has to be a reason why these twelve were chosen to give their names and characteristics to the years in the zodiac. The tale we will now relate explains this.

El zodiaco chino supone un ciclo de doce años, cada uno de los cuales lleva el nombre de un animal distinto. Se dice que las personas que nacen durante el año dedicado a un animal se parecen en algo a éste. Hay tantas clases de animales que tiene que haber una razón por el cual fueron elegidos los doce que dan sus nombres y características a los años de este ciclo. La historia que vamos a contar nos explica todo.

The Jade Emperor, who is the top leader in Chinese mythology, announced that he had invented a twelve year calendar. He summoned all the animals to a meeting where he meant to tell them all about it. He also said that he would name each of the twelve years in the calendar after the first twelve animals to arrive at the meeting.

El Emperador de Jade, que es el mandamás de la mitología China, anunció que había inventado un calendario de doce años. Invitó a todos los animales a una reunión durante la cual les contaría todo lo que había que saber sobre dicho calendario, y también dijo que daría a los doce años del calendario los nombres de los doce animales que llegasen los primeros a la reunión.

To get to the meeting, the animals had to cross a wide and dangerous river. The Cat and the Rat wanted to be in the calendar, but they were not very good swimmers. They decided they would ask the Ox for help. Would he be so kind as to carry them on his back to the meeting?

Para llegar al punto de reunión los animales tenían que cruzar un río ancho y peligroso. El Gato y la Rata querían figurar en el calendario, pero no eran buenos nadadores. Decidieron pedir ayuda al Buey. ¿Sería tan amable de llevarles a la reunión montados en su gran espalda?

First / Primera

The Ox was a good-natured animal and he agreed to give the Cat and the Rat a ride. Now the Rat was very ambitious and ruthless and he knew the Cat could jump further and faster than he could. He feared that because of this ability the Cat would win first place in the race. So when the three got to the middle of the river the Rat pushed the Cat off the Ox´s back and into the water. When the Ox was about to reach the shore, the Rat jumped off his back and touched dry ground first, thus winning first place in the new calendar. The surprised Ox only made it second.

El Buey era un animal servicial y aceptó transportar al Gato y a la Rata. Pero la Rata era muy ambiciosa y no tenía escrúpulos y sabía que el Gato podía saltar mejor y más lejos que ella. Temía que está habilidad le sirviese al Gato para ganar el primer lugar en la carrera. Así que cuando los tres habían llegado a la mitad del río, tiró al Gato de un empujón de la espalda del Buey y directamente al agua. Cuando el Buey estaba a punto de llegar a la orilla, la Rata saltó de su espalda y tocó tierra firme al caer, ganándose de este modo el primer lugar en el calendario nuevo. El sorprendido Buey sólo consiguió el segundo.

Second / Segundo

Third / Tercero

Third place was awarded to the Tiger, who arrived immediately after the Ox, complaing that strong as he was, he had found it difficult to fight the heavy and dangerous currents that had tried to drag him downstream.

El tercer lugar fue para el Tigre, que llegó inmediatamente detrás del Buey, quejándose de que a pesar de su fuerza había tenido que luchar duro contra las pesadas y peligrosas corrientes que querían arrastrarle río abajo.

Fourth / Cuarto

The fourth to arrive was the Rabbit who said he had crossed the river jumping from stone to stone whenever he saw a chance to advance.

El cuarto en llegar fue el Conejo, que dijo que él había cruzado el río saltando de una piedra a otra en cuanto surgía la oportunidad de avanzar.

Fifth / Quinto

The Dragon was the fifth. He had wings, and he came flying. He was a very powerful animal and he could have gotten there before all the others but he was altruistic and had stopped to make rain for the inhabitants of a village that was suffering from a drought.

El Dragón llegó el quinto. Tenía alas y llegó volando. Era un animal muy poderoso y podía haber llegado el primero pero era altruista y había interrumpido su carrera para producir una tormenta de lluvia con el fin de ayudar a los habitantes de una villa que estaba sufriendo una sequía.

Sixth / Sexta

Seventh / Séptimo

Suddenly, the horse appeared. He did not know it, but he had not come alone. The Snake had curled up around one of his legs to ride to the meeting. When the horse was about to gallop ashore, the Snake broke loose. The Horse was startled and drew back and the Snake arrived sixth. The Horse had to accept the seventh place.

De pronto apareció el caballo. No lo sabía, pero no venía sólo. La Serpiente se había enroscado alrededor de una de sus patas para llegar a la reunión montada a caballo. Cuando el Caballo estaba a punto de galopar a tierra firme, la serpiente se soltó. El Caballo retrocedió asustado al verla y la Serpiente llegó la sexta. El Caballo tuvo que conformarse con el séptimo lugar.

Eighth / Octava

Ninth / Noveno

Tenth / Décimo

Eighth, ninth and tenth were the Sheep, the Monkey and the Rooster. They had teamed up and with their joint efforts found a raft and managed to make it reach the other side of the river.

El octavo, el noveno y el décimo lugar fueron para la Oveja, el Mono y el Gallo respectivamente. Se habían aliado y unieron sus esfuerzos para encontrar una balsa y llevarla a la otra orilla del río.

Eleventh / Onceavo

And then the Dog showed up. He was the best swimmer of all and everyone had thought he would get there first but he had stopped to play several times on his way. His was therefore the next to last place.

Y en estas apareció el Perro. Era el mejor nadador de estos animales y todos habían pensado que llegaría el primero pero había parado varias veces para jugar camino allí. Suyo fue el penúltimo lugar.

Twelfth  / Duodécimo

And then a little pig appeared, asking if there was anything to eat. He was very tired and fell asleep as soon as he had fed, but not before he cheerfully accepted the twelfth and last place in the zodiac.

Y entonces apareció un cerdito, preguntando si había algo que comer. Estaba muy cansado y cayó rendido en cuanto comió, pero no sin antes haber aceptado encantado el duodécimo y último puesto en el zodiaco.

Only then did the Cat arrive, but there were no years left for him to give his name to. The Cat swore he would always hate and worry the Rat for having cheated him out of winning the race and leaving him out of the calendar, and so he does till this day. And perhaps he walks alone because he thinks there is no justice. Or because the Jade Emperor told him to choose his travelling companions better.

Y sólo entonces llegó el Gato, pero no quedaba un año para él. El Gato juró que siempre odiaría y atormentaría a la Rata por haber hecho trampa y haberle dejado fuera del calendario y eso hace hasta hoy. Y tal vez anda sólo porque piensa que no hay justicia.O porque el Emperador de Jade le dijo que eligiese mejor a sus compañeros de viaje.

Foul play! / ¡Juego sucio!

Questions / Preguntas:

1. Who is the Jade Emperor? / ¿Quién es el Emperador de Jade?
2. Why did he call for  a meeting? /¿Por qué convocó una reunión?
3. How did the Rat win first place in the Chinese zodiac and calendar? / ¿Cómo logró la Rata ocupar el primer lugar en el zodiaco y calendario chino?
4. What did the Rabbit do to get to the meeting fourth? /¿Qué hizo el conejo para llegar el cuarto a la reunión?
5. Why didn't the winged Dragon arrive first? / ¿Por qué no llegó primero el dragón alado?
6. Did the Snake like to travel first class? /¿Le gustaba a la serpiente viajar en primera clase?
7. Who was the best swimmer? / ¿Quién era el mejor nadador?
8. Was the pig happy to be included in the calendar? /¿Estaba contento el cerdo de verse incluido en el calendario?
9. What became of the Cat? / ¿Qué fue del gato?
Prize question: / Pregunta con premio:
10. The Cat isn't a native Chinese animal. When and from where did he come to China? / El gato no es un animal nativo de China. ¿Cúando y de dónde llegó a China?

This post was published to celebrate the year of the Dragon 2012. Happy Chinese New Year next January 23. / Esta entrada fue publicada para celebrar el año del Dragón 2012. Feliz Año Nuevo Chino el 23 de enero.

We found all the pictures in this post on Images from Internet. / Encontramos todas las imágenes de esta entrada en Imágenes de Internet.


  1. 1. The Jade Emperor is the top leader in Chinese mythology.
    2. Because he said he had created a new calendar of twelve years, and that would give them the names of the twelve animals came first.
    3. The rat pushed the cat to the river and the cat fell to the back of the ox, becoming the first and second ox.
    4. The rabbit had crossed the river jumping from stone to stone.
    5. Because he had stopped to run to make rain for the inhabitants of a village that was suffering from a drought.
    6. Yes, because she was curled up on the horse's leg.
    7. The dog was the best swimmer.
    8. Yes, he was happy.
    9. When the cat arrived, and there was no place for him. The Cat swore he would always hate.
    10. Asia undertakes very good trade relations with Europe. The cat is exchanged with fine silks and thus comes to China. The first traces of cat found in China dating from the Han Dynasty about 1,000 years BC.

  2. You got here first fair and square,J.M. Yours is the prize. Yes, the cat may have come to China from Europe or it may have sneaked in from India. See you in class.

  3. Anonymous22/1/12 14:04

    1. The Jade Emperor is the top leader in Chinese mythology.
    2. Because he invented a new calendar of twelve years.
    3. The Rat pushed the Cat off the Ox's back and into the water.
    4. The Rabbit crossed the river jumping from stone to stone.
    5. Because he stopped to make rain for the inhabitants of a village that was suffering from a drought.
    6. Yes, because she had curled up around one of the Horse's legs to ride to the meeting.
    7. The best swimmer was the Dog.
    8. Yes, he was.
    9. The cat arrived, but there weren't years for him.

  4. Anonymous22/1/12 21:17

    Beatriz Asensio Jiménez, 4-C:

    10.At that time there were good relations between Asia and Europe, and the cat trade with China along with other luxury products.Remains have been found in cats in China for 1000 years B.C.
    -your opinion on what happened to the cat:
    my opinion is that the cat could be careful respect to the rat.
    - What is your animal? my animal is the dragon because I´m aries.

  5. 1. The Jade Emperor is the top leader in Chinese Mythology.
    2. Because he wanted invented a calendar with twelve years and put the name of twelve animals that come first.
    3. The ox carried the rat, the Rat pushed the cat off the ox´s back and when the ox was about to reach the shore, the Rat jumped off his back winning first place in the new calendar.
    4. He had crossed the river jumping from stone to stone whenever he saw a chance to advance.
    5. Because he was altruistic and had stopped to make rain for the inhabitants of a village that was suffering from a drought.
    6. Yes.
    7. The dog.
    8. Yes.
    9. The cat swore he would always hate and worry the Rat for having cheated him out of winning the race and leaving him out of the calendar.
    10. In China, the domestic cat appeared around 400 BC, though many say that it did in 2000 BC. The cat come to Egypt.
    -> Your opinion on what happened to the cat:
    the cat should have no grudge against the rat because if the cat to come to the last is his problem.
    -> Why didn't the jade emperor disqualify the rat?:
    because he wanted the twelve animals arrived first and didn't care as.
    -> What is your animal?:
    My animal is the dog, because I have one dog big and is like my best friend

  6. In my opinion, the cat should have come first, but ran out years because the cat cheated.
    My animal is the rat.

  7. 10 - The cat comes of egypt and in the year 400 b.c.
    Your opinion on what happened to the cat:
    My opinion is tthat the cat had to have been more careful with the rat.
    What is your animal?
    My animal is the pig because i´m capricorn.

  8. The cat arrived to China when the europeans exchanged this animal by silk in the year 1000 B.C.
    -Your opinion on what happened to the cat?
    In my opinion the cat shouldn't have trusted the rat and go alone to the edge.
    -What is your animal?
    My animal is the Snake.

  9. -Asia was very good relations with Europe. The cat is exchanged for luxury products. The first information about the cat in China was aroun 1,000 years BC from the Han Dynasty.
    -In my opinion the rat played dirty but the cat should had careful with his friends.
    -My animal is the rat.

  10. Asia was very good relations with Europe. the cat arrived exchanged this animal by silk in the year 1000 B.C.
    - In my opinion the cat shouldn't have trusted the rat and go alone to the edge.

  11. your opinion on what happened to the cat:
    my opinion is that the cat could be careful respect to the rat.
    - What is your animal? my animal is the dragon because I´m aries.
    10 Prince questions:
    The cat is exchanged with fine silks and thus comes to China

  12. Anonymous24/1/12 11:02

    Alejandro Ballesteros Casillas 4ºC

    At that time there were good relations between Asia and Europe, and the cat trade with China along with other luxury products.
    -Your opinion to the cat:
    I think that the cat could be careful respect to the rat.
    - What is your animal? my animal is the rat.

  13. 10.The first traces of cat found in China dating from the Han Dynasty about 1,000 years BC.

    -Your opinion on what happened to the cat:
    I think that the cat had to have been more careful with the rat.

    -What is your animal?
    My animal is the rat.

  14. Anonymous24/1/12 19:56

    -Your opinion on what happened to the cat:
    I think that the cat could be more cereful whit the rat.
    -Why didn't the jade emperor disqualify the rat?
    Because he wanted 12 animals, and the rat came the first.
    -What is your animal?
    My animal is the rat.

  15. It's interesting know that animal you are.

  16. Hi, Elijah. Thanks for your comment.

  17. Personally I think the Jade Emperor should have shown more discernment and disqualified the rat... In a version I heard The Jade Emperor arranged for the rabbit and the cat to share the same year.

  18. Either he works in mysterious ways or one must wonder how the Jade Emperor got to be boss. Thank you for your comment, Unknown.


Hello! Comments are very welcome. Thank you. / ¡Hola! Los comentarios son muy bienvenidos.Gracias.


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